Social Enterprise Coalition activity  SEC survey on the impact of cuts to public spending This is a tough time for the social enterprise community - particularly those working in the public sector. While we are hearing anecdotally of cuts to services on a regular basis and how these are affecting our members, we are keen to capture robust data on this subject to make as compelling a case as possible. To do this SEC along with our partner organisations are undertaking a quick survey to find out how initial and pending cuts in public spending have affected social enterprises, or are anticipated to do so. We are aiming to use the findings to present to Government a case for strengthening the support and resources available for social enterprises and illustrate the impact this policy is having on the social enterprise sector. We will also use it to help us to establish what we should be doing to help our members and social enterprises if they are adversely affected by these cuts. This is going to be a living documents so please feel free to complete more than once should there be developments to your funding. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey given the importance of being able to present a strong case on this subject to government. www.surveymonkey.com/s/KX8V9VJ Should you have any questions please contact lidija.mavra@socialenterprise.org.uk or ceri.jones@socialenterprise.org.uk Latest consultation responses from SEC The policy team have this month been busy responding to a number of different Government consultations and inquiries. At the start of last week SEC published it's response to the Government Consultation on the Regional Growth Fund. SEC recommended that bids to the fund be assessed according to the potential impact they can make on communities. The extent to which they have social and environmental benefits should be assessed with a measure such as SROI included. This week SEC has also contributed to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry in to Youth Unemployment and the Future Jobs Fund and fed into a consultation by the Cabinet Office-BIS Joint Task Force on Cutting Red Tape. To view all three responses in full visit the Social Enterprise Coalition website.  Two weeks left to enter to win Social Vision 2010 Social enterprises which can show business at its best have just two weeks left to enter to win a cash prize in a national photography competition for social enterprises. ‘Social Vision: business at its best' is looking for images that capture the unique and transformative work of social enterprise. Now in its third year, the photography competition is for the first time being jointly run by Triodos Bank and the Social Enterprise Coalition, in association with Social Enterprise magazine. Business at its best is about transforming lives through enterprising ideas and solutions; it's about social and environmental missions guiding the way to financial stability and a more just and sustainable world. We're looking for images that show the passion, people and places using enterprise to drive positive change. So if you're working for a social enterprise take a photo that highlights your day to day activities and tell us the story behind the image. The winning photographer will receive a cash prize of £750. The social enterprise featured in the photograph will also win £750 along with one year's free membership to the Social Enterprise Coalition, an entry ticket for two people to Voice 11, a year's subscription to Social Enterprise magazine and £1000 worth of print advertising in Social Enterprise magazine. Regional heats will be taking place in each of the nine English regions and in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland before the finalists go head to head to win the overall prize. The UK winner will be decided by an online public vote. All of the shortlisted photos will go on display in London during November and will be used to create a new 2011 photographic calendar. The deadline for entries is Friday 1 October 2010 at 5pm - to request an application pack visit the Social Vision webpage.  News  ‘Seeing is Believing' say Social Enterprise Ambassadors Leading figures last night called for a ‘Seeing is Believing' approach to social enterprise at an event in central London to celebrate the completion of the three-year Social Enterprise Ambassadors Programme. From spending time in schools to speaking at conferences for business and the public sector, the Ambassadors said that seeing or hearing first-hand about the impact of social enterprise is what brings it to life and inspires others to get involved, sparking real opportunities for collaboration and growth of the movement. Ambassador Sophi Tranchell, Managing Director of Divine Chocolate explains: "Whether speaking to business leaders, young people or government officials, it's when people see real social enterprise in action that they truly understand what it means and how to support its growth. " At the Coin Street venue (itself a social enterprise), Minister for Civil Society Nick Hurd joined a line-up of speakers and 150 guests to talk about the Programme's legacy. As a first step to maintaining the impact of the Programme long-term, the Ambassadors have volunteered to open their doors on Social Enterprise Day 2010 and are inviting ministers, civil servants, private sector business leaders and young people to come and see for themselves the impact of social enterprise. If you would like information on how you can support Social Enterprise Day 2010 and follow the Ambassadors' lead in opening your doors on the day please e-mail seday@socialenterprise.org.uk. For more on the event and the successes of the three year programme visit the Social Enterprise Ambassador website.  Consultations 
National survey to gather the views of social enterprise The Cabinet Office has recently launched its second survey of social enterprise and charities. This national survey gathers the views of the leaders of charities, social enterprises and voluntary organisations in England. The survey was first carried out in 2008 as the National Survey of Third Sector Organisations. The second wave of this survey is due to take place in Autumn/Winter 2010 and for this wave the title has been simplified to the National Survey of Charities and Social Enterprises. However the two waves of the survey are equivalent in all other respects. The survey is the largest ever of the sector, and asks about opportunities to influence local decisions, the availability and nature of funding and income, support and guidance, relationships with local statutory bodies, and other factors affecting organisations' success. It is funded by the Office for Civil Society which sits in the Cabinet Office. To find out more and complete the survey online visit the website.  Events Social Enterprise and Public Service Reform 23 September Manchester This conference will draw on the experience of large-scale organisations which are already taking the social enterprise route to added value and end-user satisfaction. You will also share how to achieve more with limited budgets and changing the nature of service delivery. Speakers include: Peter Holbrook, Chief Executive, Social Enterprise Coalition Ian Charlesworth, Commercial Director, The Social Investment Business Paloma Tarazona, Chief Executive, Fevecta (Federation of Worker Co-operatives, Spain) Andrew Burnell, Chief Executive, City Health Care Partnership CIC View the agenda and register online at www.neilstewartassociates.com/se242 Social Enterprise Coalition members are being offered a 15% discount on tickets for this event and all subscribers to this newsletter can claim a 10% discount. Just quote SEC and the discount amount you are entitled to in the comments section of the online form.  Visit our Schools and Colleges week 18 – 22 October Nationwide Visit our Schools and Colleges week is a campaign to encourage partnership working between schools, colleges and businesses. During the week of the 18-22 October leading CEOs and other senior staff from the private and public sectors, at the invitation of head teachers, will visit state schools throughout the country. It will be chance for them to hear from headteachers and young people about their schools, to witness that work at first hand and to discuss how they could work together to help young people reach their potential. It's free to register and be involved – to find out more visit the website.  South East Coastal Communities Conference; Impact and Innovation 19 November Portsmouth South Coast Moneyline, working with the University of Portsmouth are delivering a one day conference in November to provide an opportunity for national and local social enterprises to discuss key findings from the three-year funded South East Coastal Communities project. The conference will include the presentation of a local report on the economic impact of social enterprises and the potential for collaboration between higher education and social enterprises. Confirmed speakers: This is a free event but places are limited and must be booked in advance. For more information or to book a place contact Kim Higgs at kim.higgs@scmoneyline.org.uk or call 02392 826180 www.scmoneyline.org.uk  Resources Deadline looms for The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, 2011 The Office for Civil Society (OCS) in the Cabinet Office today called on the people of Greater London to nominate outstanding local voluntary groups for next year’s The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the MBE for volunteer groups. Nominations for the 2011 Award need to be received by 30th September 2010 if you know of the great voluntary work or have benefited from a voluntary group’s activity nominate them now. Successful groups will be announced on 2nd June 2011. Sixty-eight groups in London have received the Honour since its creation in 2002, after being nominated by friends, family, beneficiaries or a member of the public. Further information can be found by visiting the Direct Gov website, where a nomination form can also be downloaded.  Member profile  Circus Starr Circus Starr launched as a social enterprise in June 2010 and is a circus company with social mission at it’s heart. The company raises thousands of pounds for local charities from the advance sales of tickets to local businesses. These tickets can then be donated to local community groups who otherwise would not get the chance to enjoy the magic of circus. With the kind support of local businesses Circus Starr has raised over £735,000 in the past few years alone for charities across the UK. For more information on Circus Starr visit their website www.circus-starr.co.uk. Jobs Advertise your social enterprise job here! Advertise and search for jobs on the number one social enterprise job pages. Social Enterprise Coalition members get great deals on advertising rates and it's easy to get your job uploaded to allow you to focus on running your business. For more information email James at james.hughesdon@socialenterprise.org.uk or visit our job pages.  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