- Introducing 2 new faces in FYSE
- Our past Events: Social Innovation MeetUps
- News from Asia
- Paragon Fellow News
- Upcoming FYSE Events

About FYSE
The Foundation For Youth Social Entrepreneurship (FYSE) inspires the next generation of young Changemakers and invests in, incubates, accelerates and mentors high potential young social entrepreneurs in Asia Pacific to solve our most pressing social and environmental problems and to bring prosperity to the region. 
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Mentor a young social entrepreneur in Asia! We want business savvy folks to help grow social entrepreneurs in our fellowship More Info Invest in exceptional young social entrepreneurs in Asia Pacific! Become member of the Paragon Angels Fund, FYSE’s Premier Grantmaking Network. More Info
Paragon Fellow News
I-genius interview with young entrepreneur Jyoti Ramanth of CraftMyGiftI-genius interview with young entrepreneur Pushpa Basnet, founder of Early Childhood Development Centre
Dates for Your Diary
Microfinance India Summit 2010: November 15-16, 2010
| Summer wrap-up and introducing two new faces in FYSE
This summer has been extremely eventful for FYSE. Today we are wrapping up with our Paragon fellowship 2009/10, which provided in-depth support to 100 amazing young social entrepreneurs in 10 countries in Asia Pacific. If you haven't heard about their great work yet, check out their profiles at We furthermore hosted a number of events with inspiring social entrepreneurs in Beijing to further contribute to growing social entrepreneurship in China.
We thank all our partners, sponsors, mentors and investors for their continuous support and engagement and with our growing team we are looking forward to further drive youth social entrepreneurs in Asia! To further develop our programs, we are extremely lucky and proud to welcome two new team members in FYSE! Phoenix and Betsy both joined FYSE recently to develop and drive the Asia Social Venture Academy, scheduled for March 2011.
 | Betsy Gass (
Please briefly tell us more about you: I've worked in Shanghai for the past year. Excited to have moved to Beijing this fall and escape the Expo craziness! I love yoga, hiking, and cooking, and can't live without good coffee. If you know you could not fail, what would you do?Travel the globe. Create a guidebook for the sustainable traveler. Learn how to make breathtakingly tasty Chinese food. Your favorite Social Enterprise or NGO? I've always loved Heifer International. Recently fascinated by PlayPumps. And FYSE!
| Please briefly tell us more about you: I'm a Boston native and I love traveling, learning different languages, getting to know other people - especially from other cultures, and writing about all of it. I've also spent three years teaching myself guitar - with very limited success. Along with the US and China, I've lived in France and Uganda. If you know you could not fail, what would you do? I would become the first female US President. Your favorite Social Enterprise or NGO? FYSE of course, and the Center for American Progress! |
|  Some of our recent events included:
S ocialSpark: Aaron Hurst, Founder Taproot Foundation + Jonathan Hursh, Founder CMC
During his recent stay in Beijing, Aaron Hurst, the Founder of the Taproot Foundation (USA; spoke to 50+ social entrepreneurs, CSR representatives and Youth during SocialSpark on how to create an effective volunteering program and how to build the capacity of NGOs through volunteers. We were furthermore lucky to have Jonathan Hursh, the Founder of Compassion for Migrant Children (, adding his insightful perspective and experience about volunteer management in China.
Social Innovation Meet Up September: Fair Trade in China We believe that the really exciting stuff happens when you get people talking, face-to-face. The Social Innovation Meet-Ups are monthly participant-driven meetings focused on social innovations and entrepreneurship in China. It’s a platform to voice your ideas, brainstorm solutions and connect with like-minded catalysts who can make a positive change.
In recent year more and more organizations are using an fair trade approach for poverty alleviation in China, from helping poor honey farmers in Yunnan to artisans in Shanxii. During the MeetUp Nathan Zhang, Founder BrandNu and Jeff Xu, Innovations and PR Director of Unconstrained Art Ltd./ Hand Affection shared how they run their social ventures and participants provided them with ideas how to overcome some of the challenges they face operating their ventures. For Photos, output and to continue the discussion go to News from Asia Calling all social entrepreneurs in China: Submit your proposals for the 2010 Hong Kong Social Investment Forum and win up to HK$50,000 funding. BSR advances Social Investment in China with new CiYuan Initiative 12 great Podcast channels for Social Entrepreneurs. Your daily dose of inspiration and information. A New Horizon: 10 Stories of Social Entrepreneurs in China. 'Good Samaritan' survey shows charitable giving trends. Results show Chinese people among the least likely on the planet to volunteer. Thoughts on the state of philanthropic advising in Asia.
Free Signup for Beyond Profit - online social enterprise Magazine Creating & Professionalizing the Philanthropic Advising Field in Asia
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