my buzz & my blog"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". my facebook & my twitter & my linkedin
--- 2011年3月17日 星期四,Skoll Foundation <> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Skoll Foundation <> 主題: Skoll News: 2011 Skoll Award Recipients, Skoll World Forum and more 收件人: 日期: 2011年3月17日,星期四,上午6:37  | | Newsletter | Highlights: | - Skoll Foundation Announces 2011 Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship: Four Winners Focus on Health, Water, and Education
- Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship: 30 March – 1 April, 2011, Oxford, England
- 2012 Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship Selection Process Now Open
|  | |  | March 15, 2011 [Palo Alto, CA] The Skoll Foundation announced today the 2011 recipients of the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship. Each year the Skoll Foundation chooses a select group of top social entrepreneurs and their organizations working around the world in the areas of tolerance and human rights, health, environmental sustainability, peace and security, and economic and social equity. Skoll Award recipients receive a three-year grant and join the growing global network of now 85 Skoll social entrepreneurs from 70 organizations who are tackling the world’s most pressing problems. “Many of the most challenging problems we face – access to clean water, effective and affordable healthcare, and literacy and education – are rooted in poverty. But looking at our 2011 Skoll Award winners, I see great hope for the future,” said Sally Osberg, President and CEO of the Skoll Foundation... Read more | | The Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship is the premier, international platform for accelerating entrepreneurial approaches and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing social issues. The 2011 Forum is being held in Oxford, England, March 30-April 1, 2011. Each year 800 hand-picked leaders from the social, academic, finance, private and policy sectors meet in Oxford, England for a series of critical debates, discussions and work sessions focused on innovating, accelerating and scaling solutions to the world’s most complex social issues. This year’s theme is “Large Scale Change: Ecosystems, Networks and Collaborative Action.” Program Highlights include: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan and more... Read more BioRegional is launching an Expert Panel for the One Planet initiative, which will draw on the knowledge and experience of leading names in international sustainability to help keep the One Planet initiative and its endorsed partners and projects at the cutting edge of green thinking and technology. With an initial focus on the One Planet Communities programme, panel members have been selected for their expertise in areas including urban planning, green building, ecological footprinting, policy, and campaigning. Its six independent members are: Susan Burns, CEO of ecological footprinting think tank, Global Footprint Network; Jim Heid, President and co-founder of US-based sustainable development ... Read more The Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship The Skoll Foundation is pleased to announce that the application for the 2012 Skoll Awards is now available. The application deadline for the 2012 Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship is Wednesday, April 27, 2011. The Skoll Foundation invests in, connects and celebrates the world’s leading social entrepreneurs. The Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship is our flagship grantmaking program. We are looking for social entrepreneurs whose work has the potential for large-scale behavior, policy or infrastructure change in the areas of tolerance and human rights, health, environmental sustainability, peace and security, institutional responsibility, and economic and social ... Read more | On January 24, 2011, Sally Osberg spoke in at the Global Competitiveness Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Conscious Capitalism and Unleashing Social Competitiveness. Video of her presentation and her presentation slides are now available. Read more Claremont, Calif., February 3, 2011—Claremont McKenna College (CMC) announced today that Vicky Colbert was awarded the sixth annual Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership. The Kravis Prize, recognizes extraordinary leadership in the nonprofit sector. Ms. Colbert will be presented with The Kravis Prize at a ceremony on March 22... Read more Oil Companies Should Halt Revenue Payments to Government, Fund Civilian Recovery WASHINGTON, D.C. – Twenty-four institutional investors, including Calvert Asset Management, Boston Common Asset Management, and the Skoll Foundation today called on oil companies doing business in Libya to halt revenue or other payments to the Libyan government. ... Read more | |  | JOIN OUR NETWORK/SHARE | Unsubscribe | Forward to a friend ©2010 Skoll Foundation 250 University Ave, Suite 200, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA | You are receiving this email because you subscribed to our newsletter at | | 
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