Social Enterprise Coalition activity  Social Enterprise Coalition launches social franchising manual A new how-to guide to social franchising has been launched by the Social Enterprise Coalition. ‘The Social Franchising Manual’ is primarily for franchisors who want to replicate their business model, but it offers a general introduction for anyone interested in the subject. The manual outlines the ten steps to social franchising and provides social enterprises with practical tools to make it easier for them to assess whether, when and how to replicate. These include a simple readiness tool, a template franchise agreement and advice on how to set franchise fees. The new resource was developed in response to research carried out by SEC, which identified a number of obstacles that stop some social enterprises from branching out. One of the key findings published in the ‘Growing social enterprise: research into social replication’ report was that the process of launching a franchise needs to be better understood. Download The Social Franchising Manual for free.  Young hearts, big minds – a new generation of social entrepreneurs Clothes upcycling workshops, anti-gun crime merchandise, street dance classes on housing estates and a tap water bottle refill network – these are just some of the ideas that young people in the UK today are turning into successful social enterprises. On the Social Enterprise Coalition website you will find the stories of ten outstanding social entrepreneurs, the majority of who are still in their early twenties. All ten of our featured interviewees are from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, and several talk about how their heritage has filtered into their ideas. Read and remember their stories, because you might well be familiarising yourself with the next Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner and renowned founder of Grameen Bank, or Tim Campbell – first winner of The Apprentice and founder of the Bright Ideas Trust. 
Peter Holbrook warns the Government to ensure Regional Growth Fund matches up with Big Society rhetoric The Social Enterprise Coalition's CEO, Peter Holbrook, wrote to The Times newspaper last week in response to news of the first round of successful bids to the Regional Growth Fund. His letter, which was printed in the newspaper last Friday (15 April), warned the 'the Regional Growth Fund could be a source of massive own-goals for the Government if the next round of successful bids doesn’t match up with the Big Society rhetoric.' Read the letter in full.  News  Street League enjoy a kick about on Downing Street Street League academy students headed for Downing Street last week to face a grilling from the Prime Minister and Downing Street staff. The students, all part of Street League’s Academy programme which uses the power of football to support disadvantaged young people into jobs or training, were given mock interviews by some of the country’s top officials and the PM himself to help them on the road to a better future. Following the mock interviews, the students took part in a Street Football session on one of the most famous streets in the world. View the Press Association video of the Street League visit to Downing Street. Find out more about Street League on their website.  Roots HR gains preferred supplier status for Manchester voluntary sector SEC member, Roots HR is celebrating this week, having beaten off stiff national competition to achieve preferred supplier status for the Greater Manchester Voluntary Sector Support (GMVSS) Market Place. The social enterprise, which is based in Kidderminster, is a human resources services provider and works with all types of civil society organisations. The company will now be working closely with GMVSS Market Place to design and deliver a range of services to Greater Manchester voluntary, community and faith groups. Plans include a free training course for managers, an online HR knowledge test and access to a library of free fact-sheets and newsletters designed to provide advice on the specific challenges facing the voluntary and community sector. Find out more about Roots HR on their website.  Consultations  The Future of Financial Reporting In his Mansion House speech on 3 March, Secretary of State for Business and Innovation Vince Cable outlined the Government's work in growing the economy. He also encouraged small and medium sized businesses to respond to the Accounting Standards Board’s consultation ‘The Future of Financial Reporting’, which closes on 30 April 2011. The outcome of this consultation will particularly affect the complexity of financial reporting requirements for 35,000 medium sized companies. View the consultation.  Events  Working with NOMS 12 May Birmingham Social Enterprise West Midlands is hosting an information and action planning workshop for social enterprises looking to work with the National Offender Manager Service. The event is also suitable for organisations already working with NOMS wishing to update their knowledge and networks. The workshop will help you: - Understand opportunities to work and engage with NOMS
- Assist you in making informed decisions about developing NOMS targeted services or considering NOMS within your business planning
- Meet key contacts within NOMS and start building productive working relationships.
Download the event programme here. The event is free, but a £25 charge is payable for non-attendance unless notice is received 48 hours prior to the event. To book your place, please email Helen Ryman, Events Manager, SEWM. Co-operative Congress 2011 24 - 26 June Birmingham Co-operative Congress 2011 is the annual event that brings together everyone interested in co-operative action to share ideas, learn and be inspired. The three day event will kick start Co-operatives Fortnight. Highlights include keynotes on the power of co-operation, the Co-operative Commission ten years on, larger exhibition, over 50 ‘lite-bite’ learning sessions and the Co-operative Excellence Awards 2011 sponsored by KPMG. Go to to find out more, book on-line, enter the awards or book an exhibition stand Book before 6 May to receive an early bird discount. Co-operative Congress 2011 is brought to you by Co-operatives UK, and delivered in partnership with SimplyHealth.  Catch the wave: Getting on board with social entrepreneurship 17 May Dublin This conference is aimed at social entrepreneurs, policymakers and change makers. The keynote speaker will be Jeff Boschee, Founder and Director of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurs. The conference is hosted by WINSENT Wales and Ireland Network for social Entrepreneurship and supported by the American Embassy (Dublin) and will be followed by a drinks and canapés reception 18:00 till 20:00. For more information visit  Give & Gain Day 2011 Give & Gain Day 2011 is the UK’s only national day of employee volunteering. The campaign encourages employers across the UK to get involved and encourage staff to volunteer during their working day to support initiatives in their local communities. This year Give & Gain Day aims to engage 10,000 employees and will focus on Careers and Employability. The organisers are looking for community projects that can provide opportunities for these volunteers. For further details see the Business in the Community website.  Resources 
Local Government Improvement and Development issues social enterprise podcasts The Local Government Improvement and Development has issued podcasts to explain the nature and characteristics of a social enterprise and what councillors can do to support and encourage them. The podcast includes content on: - what social enterprise is and the range that exists
- how social enterprise can help in the ward and or local community.
- the councillor’s role in encouraging, brokering, supporting social enterprise to meet local needs
- sources of help and advice on social enterprises.
Find the podcasts here. Big Society Awards 2011 Social enterprises are being invited to enter the Big Society Awards 2011. Set up by the Prime Minister in November 2010 the Big Society Awards focus upon three specific areas: - Promoting social action
- Empowering communities
- Opening up public services
In addition to recognising good work done, the Awards are also intended to encourage others to follow in the winners’ footsteps. Nominations come in from the general public after which there follows a process of scoring and short-listing by civil servants and a further short-listing by a Panel of Ministers and independent figures acknowledged in the civil society field nationally. This Panel makes recommendations to the Prime Minister who makes the final decisions about who to make the award to. Twelve winners are decided each quarter and then announced once a week throughout the year. The Award itself has several aspects to it. The winners each receive: - a plaque;
- a signed certificate from the Prime Minister;
- copies of the electronic awards logos to use on their websites and publicity materials;
- an invitation to a twice yearly reception at No.10 Downing Street;
- a press release that appears on the No.10 website and that the No.10 staff then circulate to the local and regional press in the winner’s home area.
For more information visit Guide to help supported businesses become social enterprises Social Firms UK has produced a guide to help supported businesses convert into sustainable social enterprises. The Guide covers the What, Why and How to create a modern business ready to meet complex and economic goals, whilst also supporting and empowering some of the most disadvantaged people in the community. Invaluable practitioner insights into unique journeys towards Social Firm creation will ease the way for other supported businesses to make that transition and remain sustainable. Sally Reynolds, CEO of Social Firms UK, commented “the need for change in the supported business sector and the other areas of specialist disability employment initiatives has been creeping up on us for a number of years; it just seems to be happening all at once now and the next few years will be significantly challenging ones for anyone involved in it.” The Guide costs £5 for members of Social Firms UK and £25 for non-members. To request a copy call 01737 231 363 or email For more information visit  Member profile  The Ethical Property Company The Ethical Property Company buy properties and develop them as centres that bring charities, social enterprises, community and campaign groups together under one roof where they can share skills and ideas. Groups in their centres benefit from affordable rents, flexible tenancy terms and office space and facilities designed to meet their needs. The centres are also managed to minimise energy use, waste, car travel and harmful materials. The Ethical Property Company aims to develop centres that are focal points for social change and currently operates in England, Scotland and Belgium. In the long-term they aim to build a network of centres around the world in support of the social change movement.  Jobs  Chief Financial Officer at The Phone Co-op Salary: £45,000 - 55,000 Location: South East Closing date: 30 April 2011 For more information: Advertise your social enterprise job here! Advertise and search for jobs on the number one social enterprise job page. Social Enterprise Coalition members get great deals on advertising rates and it's easy to get your job uploaded to allow you to focus on running your business. For more information email James Yabut at or visit our job page.  Back to the top |
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