
轉寄︰ How Sharing is Big Business

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寄件人︰ Collaborative Consumption <contact@collaborativeconsumption.com>
收件人︰ Houghton <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年08月3日 (週五) 11:57 AM
主題︰ How Sharing is Big Business

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Collaborative Consumption News
FOR: Houghton
DELIVERED: 03/08/2012

Collaborative Consumption businesses are disrupting industries and changing both what and how we consume - but how do these companies make money? This presentation prepared for NESTA's Collaborative Consumption Summit explores the different business models fueling the growth of Collaborative Consumption ventures.

CChow sharing is big business

USA TODAY People with heaps of stuff, skills and time are connecting online eager to share and rent homes, cars, tools and services in exchange for savings. The world is in a sharing mood and start-ups are capitalizing on it. Read more

WALL STREET JOURNAL Borrowing and lending is spawning a new multibillion dollar industry called collaborative consumption which is changing our very relationship with the world around us. Read more

The Collaborative Team
Find out how Bo Fishback, Founder of Zaarly, started his company from scratch and raised their first $1 million in less than a week. More

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