
轉寄︰ Social Business Conference 2012 - are you ready?

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寄件人︰ ClearlySo <federica.saccia@clearlyso.com>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年08月2日 (週四) 7:10 PM
主題︰ Social Business Conference 2012 - are you ready?

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'Moving capital in a shocked economy'

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Now in its 7th successful year, the Social Business Conference is THE annual industry event to meet the people who matter, bringing together 250 of the key players in social enterprise.
ClearlySo Social Business Conference - are you ready?

 9th October 2012 
Venue: LSO St. Luke's, Old Street, London
Price: Tickets available from £150

This year's programme focuses on raising capital in a climate of austerity and the event promises to be a sell-out once again.

New additions to the programme include
  • 10 tips to move capital 
    This session will outline how to raise capital more efficiently and effectively led by Elizabeth Corrado, Head of Capital Raising, ClearlySo and Suzanne Biegel, Impact Angel
  • 'True leadership'        
Team building workshop with SBC's highest rated speaker John Sutherland, CEO, Strategic Resource
New speakers:
Come and learn the essentials to embark on a successful capital raising season for your business! 
Early bird tickets are selling fast and numbers are capped.
Who should attend?
  • CEOs, FDs, COOs of mature social enterprises
  • Public sector MDs, FDs, Heads of Service looking at public sector delivery through social enterprise
  • CEOs, Trustees, Directors of Charities looking at social investment
  • CEOs of public sector spin-outs
  • CEOs of seed and early stage social enterprises
  • Social entrepreneurs starting out
  • Social impact investors
  • Socially minded corporates
programme    Book now

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Looking forward to welcoming you at SBC12,  

Federica Saccia
Conference Manager

ClearlySo | 4th Floor | 20 Old Street | London | EC1V 9AB | United Kingdom

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