
轉寄︰ Social Business Conference 2012 - make it your own

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寄件人︰ ClearlySo <federica.saccia@clearlyso.com>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年08月21日 (週二) 7:00 PM
主題︰ Social Business Conference 2012 - make it your own

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'Moving capital in a shocked economy'

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Digging deeper into SBC12... The Olympic legacy debate

For many, the concept is rather elusive. Beyond our fixation on the word and now that the dust is beginning to settle, who is it that will really gain from the games, and why?

London 2012 games deliverers are gaining from commercial sporting contracts across the globe. Seemingly local 'Olympic village' communities are benefitting from  the grandiose 'regeneration' urban planning. The debate brews on and some argue optimistically that gentrification will not take over regeneration of the areas completely. But what about the rise in rents throughout east London? And what about the creation of local jobs?

The social sector is at the centre of the Olympic legacy and we invited three key personalities involved on the inside of the debate to testify on how this project will be carried out and what are the real implications and the long term benefits.

We're pleased  to present:

  • Jane Pritchard, Legacy Director, BITC
Jane is the leader of arc a project set specifically around the games, which facilitates large businesses to provide free support to social enterprises  in the six London boroughs officially hosting the Olympic Games.
Highly recognised by the FT and the Economist as the leading example of social entrepreneurship. His  business promotes cycling, recycles bikes and trains homeless people to be mechanics. Bikeworks accessed the arc project and is now working with BP to build a management information system to track key performance indicators, both financial and social. It is also working on a system to monitor the progress of people who have been through programmes.
She headed the International Marketing for the London 2012 Olympic Games Bid and quickly became a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the Olympic Park Legacy Company/London Legacy Development Corporation and a Trustee of The Legacy List.

Find them leading the lunch session in the main hall at SBC12.
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Looking forward to welcoming you at SBC12,  

Federica Saccia
Conference Manager

ClearlySo | 4th Floor | 20 Old Street | London | EC1V 9AB | United Kingdom

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