
轉寄︰ August 2012 Impact Quarterly

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寄件人︰ Asia IIX and Shujog <info@asiaiix.com>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年08月17日 (週五) 3:55 PM
主題︰ August 2012 Impact Quarterly

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Impact Quarterly

Greetings from Asia IIX and Shujog! 

Dear Houghton,

While there was no slowing down for us here at Asia IIX and Shujog for the Summer, I did get a few moments of reflection time when I travelled to the US right after  Impact Forum 2012.  The trip gave me time to reflect on what an amazing year it has been thus far for Asia IIX and Shujog.  The lynchpin for the year was our incredible Impact Forum 2012. The Forum was the crowning glory for us in pulling together our hard work over the last 3 years in creating social capital markets in Asia from every direction.    

I thank all of you who were with us for Impact Forum 2012. For those of you who were not with us but want to see what you missed, please take a look at our Impact Forum 2012 documentary.  We also have videos of the individual sessions, which will give you a flavor of the discussions.   

In addition, we have a comprehensive report of the Forum detailing all the Forum happenings. Please do take time to glance through it.   

With the end of the Summer we are also saying goodbye to our Summer Team who joined use from around the world. Each person in the Summer Team was amazing in bringing with her/him the passion for impact investing and inclusive growth.  I thank them for rolling up their sleeves (literally preparing for the Forum and also helping us move offices!) and becoming part of our great family. I wish them all the best for the future and we look forward to watching them grow in the impact investing community.  

To all of you, I wish you a productive Fall. If you are in Asia, do come and visit us in Singapore and check out our new office with lots of sunlight.  

With warm regards from a very warm Singapore,  
Durreen Signature 
Durreen Shahnaz
Founder, Asia IIX & Shujog
Impact Forum Actions & Learnings

7 Ways for SEs to Scale-up

Scaling-up the reach and impact of operations has frequently been a challenge for Social Enterprises (SEs). The various stumbling blocks include a lack of team management skills and a shortage of financial resources. Several sessions at the Impact Forum focused on overcoming these barriers and growing the reach of SEs. Combining the wisdom from the Forum, we noted seven critical ways to enable SEs to scale.  Read more>> 

Market Impediments of Social Venture Capital

Venture capital, unlike other capital-raising vehicles, originally was understood as a vehicle for impact in stimulating the economy. American Research and Development, the first modern venture capital (VC) firm, was founded in 1946 in the immediate aftermath of World War II. It was founded as much to stimulate technology entrepreneurship and economic development in the U.S. as to generate high financial returns. The pioneering family funds J.H. Whitney and Rockefeller Brothers had similar objectives. A few spectacular exits (sales as well as IPOs) drove attention and institutional capital towards the venture capital channel, which led to professionalization, standardization, and eventual mission drift. Read More>>

Ecosystem Players need Innovative Payment Schemes

In order for the social capital markets to grow and for capital to flow efficiently to SEs, a broad 'ecosystem' of intermediaries across the region needs to participate. This ecosystem needs to mirror what exists in the traditional capital markets and will include transaction advisors - such as financial advisors, legal advisors, accounting advisors and social advisors - rating agencies, government/regulatory bodies, research firms and academic institutions. While SEs must comply with numerous rules and regulations, the affordability of ecosystem partners may be a particular challenge, and there has been considerable growth of market intermediaries who focus exclusively on SEs. Read more>>

Making PPPs Effective

Development institutions and governments alike once viewed public-private partnership (PPP) as a very powerful tool for addressing key coordination problems, particularly in emerging market infrastructure. However, in sectors such as healthcare, sanitation, energy, and transportation; project design and implementation have generally proved to be challenging. Even well-designed and well-funded projects have faced substantial risks, ranging from political protest to rent-seeking. 
SE Highlights

An exclusive Social Enterprise (SE) Showcase for Impact Partners investor members was held during the Impact Forum 2012. Over 60 impact investors from around the world met with eight leading Social Entrepreneurs based across Asia-Pacific to learn about the work they are doing. The Showcase continues to receive positive response from investors. Currently, two of the SEs featured in Impact Partners are exploring different levels of investor engagement. Spokespeople for the SEs in question say that the Forum gave them a platform to be heard and did an excellent job of pulling together Social Enterprises, investors, and members of the impact investment ecosystem. The Impact Partners team and the SEs are all excited with the traction the Forum has given them. Watch out for more updates!

Speakers, participants, and performers at the Impact Forum 2012, with one of the keynotes from Minister Vivian Balakrishnan of the Singapore Ministry of Environment and Water Resources (Top row, third from right).
Employment Opportunities with IIX and Shujog

Director of Research & Operations
to be part of the Shujog team in Singapore to oversee all research activities and develop business and research opportunities. Read more >>

Technology Analyst
to be part of the IIX team based in Singapore and help lead its data management systems more efficiently and develop a long-term online strategy. Read more >>

Administrative Officer
to act as the personal secretary of IIX and Shujog Managing Directors, and to coordinate and manage day-to-day administrative tasks of IIX and Shujog. 

Employment Opportunities in the Field
Shujog is now posting employment opportunities in the field from Ecosystem partners. 

CEO/Business Development Manager 
to help develop and implement a business plan to deliver agricultural information & services to Indonesian rice farmers. Read more>>
Upcoming Events in the Region

16 October 2012
Mumbai, India
The SROI Network, an international membership organization and home to the social return on  investment principles, is holding a one day workshop to help funders and growing social purpose organisations learn more about the practical application of Social Return on Investment. Jeremy Nicholls, the CEO of the SROI Network will be facilitating the day. Click here to learn more.

23-25 October 2012 
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore 

Asia is expected to be the next big area of growth for the solar photovoltaics sector, with PV markets such as China surpassing the 1 gigawatt mark. The Global PV Financial Summit 2012 brings the key representatives to cover various topics that include financing and bankability of solar projects, cutting-edge quality assurance and risk assessment, and novel business models for project developers and solar companies. Know more about the Global PV Summit here.
Issue 5   

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You can now download the India Social Enterprise Landscape Report here.

If you missed the Forum, you can now watch all Impact Forum 2012 sessions at the IIX youtube channel

 Meet Our New Team Members

Raya Papp joins IIX as the Director for Issuer Relations. Prior to IIX, Raya was Deutsche Bank's Director for Asset Management Analytics who also assisted Deutsche Bank Foundation with their investments in SJF Ventures III, the first nationally focused Impact Investment SBIC fund. Raya was also a Morgan Stanley VP for Corporate Finance, where she sat on the Environment & Clean Tech Committee and managed M&A deals in Financial Technology. She holds a MBA from the Harvard Business School and also serves as a Board Member of Water for Cambodia.

Katie Yewdall  
Katie Yewdall is Shujog's new Business Development Associate. Katie has a degree from the University of
Newcastle upon Tyne and a Masters from King's College, London. After three years in London, advising businesses in CSR and waste and energy practices
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