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寄件人︰ SEE Change Magazine <info@seechangemagazine.com>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年08月7日 (週二) 9:55 PM
主題︰ News from SEE Change Magazine

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SEE Change...As it happens 
August 2012
Dear Houghton,

While we're busy working on the September issue of SEE Change Magazine, we hope you'll take a few minutes to learn about the new School for Social Entrepreneurs in Ontario, and read some great advice on social enterprise planning from David LePage. And don't forget to mark your calendar for our upcoming movie night in Toronto.

In This Issue
School for SE
Social impact purchasing
Movie night in Toronto
Upcoming events
SEA_Aug 2012
Director of the School for Social Entrepreneurs-Ontario (SSE-O), Marjorie Victor Brans, cuts the ribbon at the official launch of the new school, the first in North America. Ontario's Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, the Honourable Michael Chan and staff from collaborating organizations MaRS Discovery District, Regent Park's Centre for Community Learning and Development, micro-loan provider ACCESS Community Capital and Housing Services Corp, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation look on.

SSE-O launch  
Read more about the school in our interview with Marjorie.

Understanding social impact purchasing - A primer 
David LePage from Enterprising Non-Profits (enp) explains what social impact purchasing is, why it is important, and how it works. Click here to learn more.

Read other how-to articles by David:

Save the date! Movie night in Toronto 
We hope you'll join us on October 10th for a screening of Bonsai People: The vision of Muhammad Yunus, followed by a moderated discussion on microfinance. Watch for details in the September issue of SEE Change Magazine. In the meantime, whet your appetite by reading our review of the film.

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events

Web of Change - Sept. 5-9, Cortes Island, BC

Social Venture Institute - Sept. 12-16, Cortes Island, BC

[Food + Justice = Democracy] - Sept. 24-26, Minneapolis, MN

SOCAP - Oct. 1-4, San Francisco, CA

Social Enterprise World Forum - Oct. 16-18, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Save 15%
Advertise in our upcoming September issue and get your message out to social entrepreneurs, business leaders and social innovators around the globe. And if you place your order before August 15th, you'll save 15% (promo code: AUG2012). 

Offer Expires: August 15th, 2012
This email was sent to incubator.hou@gmail.com by info@seechangemagazine.com |  
SEE Change Magazine | Downtown | Toronto | M5B 2H1 | Canada

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