
Network of Christian businesspeople in Hong Kong grows - Partners Worldwide

Partners Worldwide News


Network of Christian businesspeople in Hong Kong grows

HONG KONG --- Through networks of business people around the globe, Partners Worldwide helps people align their passion for business and their Christian faith. 

In a city of over seven million, Christians make up a small minority in Hong Kong, yet the business community of Christians continues to grow.  “Their connections are deep,” says Dana Boals, Partners Worldwide’s Director of Global Partnerships, adding that entrepreneurs in Hong Kong have a passion to influence the lives of their employees, customers, and investors.  “They are engaged businesspeople who are smart, experienced, and anxious to learn more about Partners Worldwide,” she says.

“Quite a number of Christians are asking themselves what they can do to reflect Jesus' life in Hong Kong ‘on earth as it is in heaven,’” says Houghton Wan, a young professional who first connected his faith and passion for business when he heard about the business as mission movement in 2005.  Since then, Houghton has joined the Partners Worldwide team and has led dozens of business training sessions at churches and business groups, and continues to visit individual business owners and entrepreneurs to grow the Partners Worldwide network. 

“We continue to ask ourselves a very important question,” says Houghton.  “If human beings are called by God to care for the poor and the widow, how can we help others overcome poverty through business?”

Dennis Ngis a young entrepreneur in the coffee industry.  In 2004, he felt challenged to combine his business acumen with his Christian calling and started a coffee farm in the neighboring country Laos which grew into an exporting coffee business.

Yet, reflecting on specific needs within his own city, Dennis had a draw to create a business that could “employ the unemployable” in Hong Kong.  In order to do this, this month he is launching his venture Connection Point Cafes, with four coffee kiosks in business parks across Hong Kong.  Offering long-term job opportunities for women leaving prostitution, employees are able to earn a fair income in a city that requires a minimal $900 a month to secure safe housing.  Working within the company is a vehicle to move from unemployment to employment, says Dennis, and eventually to shared ownership of their coffee kiosk.

Another key value of Connection Point Cafes is “Profit with a Purpose.”  The company invests profits not only to expand, but also “to meet the needs of others physically, mentally, spiritually.” They provide financial support for 40 orphans in Beijing through a partnering organization and offering college tuition assistance for Chinese students from Nanjing city. 

As the network grows in Hong Kong, Christian business people throughout the region are discovering their calling to business and spurring each other on.   Learn how you can become directly involved with Partners Worldwide by visiting www.partnersworldwide.org


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