
轉寄︰ Oikocredit Ezine #2 - October 2012

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寄件人︰ Oikocredit <noreply@oikocredit.org>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年10月26日 (週五) 10:32 PM
主題︰ Oikocredit Ezine #2 - October 2012

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Focus on agriculture 
One in four of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas. Many of them – from farmers to seasonal workers – one way or another rely on agricultural activities to meet their daily needs. In this edition we look at the different aspects and challenges of agriculture as a poverty alleviation tool. 
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In practice

Environmental education in Bolivia
Over 100,000 Bolivian women received training on health and environmental issues under a joint programme of Bolivian microfinance institution CRECER and Oikocredit.
Growing economies with agriculture
Oikocredit's agricultural strategy, launched in 2010, aims to expand its agricultural portfolio of projects outside microfinance to 30% over the next five years.
Bulgaria's model
Unlike the traditional agricultural cooperative model, in Bulgaria cooperatives rent land from small landowners, cultivate it, collect the yield and sell the produce. They then pay members rent and dividends.
Combating the grab for land
Following increasing reports of land grabbing in many developing countries, Oikocredit is providing funds for cooperatives to buy their own land.

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Corporate News

Regional News

Oikocredit USA
  • Read the first two installments of Oikocredit USA’s Poverty Outreach Blog Series which includes interviews with Grameen Foundation experts on the Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI). The Poverty Outreach series is part of its Microfinance Investor Education Series.
  • This month marks the last for Terry Provance, Oikocredit USA Executive Director for over 11 years. Terry has made hundreds – maybe thousands – of presentations, raised millions of dollars, and touched many lives while raising national awareness of issues surrounding poverty and Oikocredit’s grassroots efforts to combat it. Thank you Terry!
Oikocredit UK & Ireland

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