|  | November 2012 | |  Woody Tasch | Dear Houghton, As a Slow Money antidote to $1 billion in presidential campaign sound bytes, talking points, and spin-doctors, I hereby offer RFK and a leaping earthworm. A few years ago, in Mark Anielski’s book The Economics of Happiness, I came across the words of Robert F. Kennedy, from the 1968 Presidential campaign. Read letter. | |  Localist: Pecans! is a small business using locally sourced ingredients run by students from a program called YouthBuild. All profits go to a YouthBuild scholarship fund that helps students pay for post-secondary education. Photograph shot in Greensboro, Alabama by Douglas Gayeton. A Soil Trust Update From Marco Vangelisti We did it! After gestating the idea for quite a while, we have planted the seeds of the Soil Trust firmly in the field of action. A couple of weeks ago we announced the Soil Trust to all of you and we are pleased by the strong interest it generated. A special thank you to the working group and advisers who made this possible and to those pioneers among you who responded positively in the last couple of weeks with your donations. Read story. Helping a Restaurant Expand Into a Grocery  There’s no grocery store within a two-mile radius of Chad McIntyre’s popular Market restaurant and that, he says, is an opportunity. McIntyre’s business is part of the growing local food movement in North Carolina. The Market serves whole, all-natural, unprocessed foods from local sources and supports organic and sustainable farming practices. But McIntyre’s restaurant is a stand-alone in Raleigh, a community about two years behind neighboring Chapel Hill and Durham in its development of businesses that focus on local food. Read story. | Austin, Texas As reported by Jarred Maxwell. Over $1.2 million invested; Sustainable Investment Showcase and Fall Pitchfest November 30th. See more. North Carolina As reported by Carol Peppe Hewitt. Fifty-three loans totaling over $580,000 to 26 local food businesses; growing community awareness generates steady loan opportunities. See more. Northern California As reported by Arno Hesse. SOIL Network; three entrepreneur showcases; two chapter offshoots; Crowdfunding pilot with Credibles. See more. November 8-9 Cavallo Point, Sausalito Calif. April 29-30, 2013 Boulder, Colo. | "The economics of small scale farming is not a drive for economic growth at all costs, concentrating wealth and high investment, increasing the gap between rich and poor. It is on the contrary, the economics of cooperation, of participation, of greater equality and the building up of a million small achievements.” Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson), acceptance speech as the National Audubon Medalist, 1973 National Audubon Society’s Annual Dinner. See more. Excerpted from the library of Joan Gussow, Educator, Grower, Author This Organic Life and Growing Older. | .gif) Select the video above to watch this month’s Slow Money Minute by Mason Arnold. Then, please send us your own Slow Money Minute, a video approximately one minute in length, that shares with us an interesting glimpse of what you are doing to bring the Slow Money vision to life. | Donations by agribusiness to defeat California "Right To Know" Proposition 37 mandating the labeling of GMO foods: $44.4 million Donations in support of California Proposition 37: $7.3 million Percentage of pesticide use on land planted with GMO crops vs. on land planted with non-GMO crops: 120 | | © Slow Money, PO Box 2231, Boulder CO 80306 If you would no longer like to receive email updates unsubscribe here. | |
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