
轉寄︰ SVA eNewsletter Spring 2012

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寄件人︰ Social Ventures Australia <Social_Ventures_Australia@mail.vresp.com>
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傳送日期︰ 2012年11月2日 (週五) 8:02 AM
主題︰ SVA eNewsletter Spring 2012

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Social Ventures Australia
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Social Ventures Australia (SVA) invests in social change by helping increase the impact and build the sustainability of those in the social sector. Our investments are focused on high potential organisations that are fostering solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing our community.
SVA celebrates ten year anniversary
SVA celebrates ten year anniversary Inspired by the burgeoning ‘venture philanthropy’ movement in the US, SVA’s founders envisioned an organisation that could provide a new approach to supporting innovative social change by applying the principles of venture capitalism. Ten years later, those founders could not have envisioned the scope and scale of support SVA has delivered to the social sector. SVA celebrated the achievements of its first decade, and highlighted its vision for the future, with 500 of the SVA community at a gala dinner in July, with Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia graciously attending as guest of honour.

SVA Education Dialogue 2012: Great Teaching in Tough Schools
SVA Education Dialogue 2012 Some of Australia’s most respected and inspirational leaders from across education, government, business, philanthropy and the non-profit sector gathered in Sydney to participate in SVA's Education Dialogue 2012. Under the theme of 'Great Teaching in Tough Schools', the incredible day showed what is possible: that committed, evidence-based, collaborative and passionate action on the ground can change the game for disadvantaged students.

SVA Consulting Quarterly builds on strong debut
SVA Consulting Quarterly The second edition of the SVA Consulting Quarterly promises more of the practical and provocative articles found in its well-received debut issue. Designed to share insights and tools learnt from its varied engagements, the free online publication will tackle topics of interest to every non-profit organisation, CEO and board member in its next issue, out on 19 November.

Employment as a pathway out of homelessness
Catherine House training Catherine House, a non-profit organisation supporting women experiencing homelessness in Adelaide has launched a pioneering social business, the WorkNext Job Placement Service. The service is securing long-lasting, sustainable and meaningful jobs for women who have experienced social and economic disadvantage, whilst also providing highly motivated, well-trained and reliable staff for employers who take a corporate social responsibility approach to business. An SVA venture partner since January, Catherine House is helping to transform lives through innovation in employment support.

Social Enterprise Fund (SEF) kicks off in WA
Social Enterprise Fund (SEF) kicks off in WA SVA is leading a consortium of partners which, on behalf of the WA Government, is managing the Social Enterprise Fund (SEF) in Western Australia, a $10 million grants program designed to support social enterprise development across WA. The WA Government has so far announced 14 investments into social enterprises as part of the first funding round with more announcements expected in the coming months. Applications will go through the due diligence process as and when they are received before 3 May 2013 with investment decisions being made at a number of points. With interest in the Fund expected to continue, SVA welcomes two new WA-based members to the team to support applicants and SEF Consortium members with the process.

SVA Social Finance one year on
Social Finance In only its first year of operation, the SVA Social Finance team has successfully placed itself at the forefront of the sector with two key achievements, the establishment of the SVA Social Impact Fund, which will distribute $8.6m to support social enterprises nationwide and its appointment as advisor to UnitingCare on NSW's first Social Benefit Bond.

A demand-led approach to improving employment outcomes
Caroline Adler Too many highly disadvantaged Australians are missing out on the training, support and opportunities that would allow them to become successful participants in the economic and social mainstream. SVA has been developing a project with non-profit and corporate partners to improve the employment outcomes of these long-term unemployed members of our community.

Queensland Social Enterprise Partnership Project completed
Queensland Social Enterprise Partnership Project completed The year-long Queensland Social Enterprise Partnership Project successfully reached its completion in September. The purpose of the project was to develop and support sustainable social enterprises that provide alternative employment options and pathways for local disadvantaged jobseekers. Exceeding its target of supporting 65 disadvantaged jobseekers, the project supported social enterprises employ 87 new individuals from marginalised backgrounds.

Transforming Indigenous education through the Arts
CAIPE SVA venture partner, The Song Room, is a national non-profit organisation that provides free, tailored, long-term music and arts-based programs for children in disadvantaged and high need communities. An independent research report conducted on the impact of The Song Room's Creative Arts and Indigenous Parental Engagement (CAIPE) project, an 18 month pilot in Queensland, shows striking results, indicating the program had a positive impact on students and parents with improvement noted in literacy, attendance and parental engagement.

SVA is pleased to announce the appointment of Adrian Appo OAM, CEO of Ganbina, to the SVA board.

Fair Business, an employment-focused venture partner in SVA's portfolio, has won a 2012 Australian Business Award for Innovation.

The AMP Foundation, in conjunction with Effective Philanthropy, has published a new report The Best of Every Woman, about the importance of investing in Aboriginal women and girls.

SVA will be well represented at RMIT's inaugural social enterprise conference, Global Shifts 2012.

Two SVA venture partners have entered into a unique social enterprise arrangement. STREAT, which provides social support and training to homeless and disengaged youth in Melbourne, has taken over two cafés established by Fair Business in 2008 to create jobs for local unemployed people.

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