Social Capital Market Lens Using Activism to Drive Sales and Loyalty, Nutiva is a Rocket by Kevin Jones The following is an excerpt from a twitter conversation between me and Nutiva’s CEO, John Roulac. From @kevindoylejones to @nutiva: “yeah well, it's no wonder investors are flocking after your company wanting to get involved. You sell stuff that sets people free.” John Roulac is an activist and social media ninja who runs Nutiva, a profitable $40 million “super food” company that’s growing at four times last year’s revenues. He produced a video for the Prop 37, label the GMO’s initiative, that was on the California ballot in November and that went viral with more than 420,000 views. [ Read more ] Limited Partners in Impact Funds Are Calling the Shots, Research Shows by Kevin Jones Playing well together while the world is shifting cultural competency – rather than master of the universe bravado – will be the skills of the new impact investors. Impact investors are digging ourselves out a hole caused by our ignorant rush toward a rigid, linear metaphor: the split between the “return first” impact investor and the “impact first” investor. That’s one of the things I came away thinking after a talk with Jed Emerson and Cathy Clark about their continuing investigation into the nature of the impact investor, the fund manager, and the new breed of far more active “limited partners” in those funds. Talking to them, I learned a lot that helped me make sense of what I’m seeing in the social capital market. [ Read more ] Introducing Two Themes: Place-based innovation and a Focus on Health by Kevin Jones Launching with this issue of the Good Capitalist are two of what will be our continuing focus areas in the run up to the forthcoming SOCAP conference in September of next year. The first: we will be writing about (while taking part in) a study project meets learning and IP sharing network that’s looking at what’s working for the pioneers in place-based innovation organizations; from incubators like GoodCompany in Philadelphia, to Bull City Forward in Raleigh, to what we do in the networks of Hubs in the United States from Seattle to Los Angeles to San Francisco and Berkeley, to cooperative communities like Vuollerim in Swedish Lapland. [ Read more ] Report from Turin by Christopher Gergen After a stimulating four days in Turin, Italy, I am writing from a train heading across the northern part of the country. In addition to the great Piedmont wine and food (and the snow covered, sun-drenched Alps that are looming outside my window), it was an opportunity to plug into an electric conversation that is unfolding in Europe right now about how social innovation can transform cities. Our host was Torino’s City Council, who is targeting 18 - 35 year olds to help both drive entrepreneurial solutions to some of the city’s more pressing challenges as well as stimulate economic growth and job creation in a city and country that has been hard hit by financial crisis. [ Read more ]  Social Capital Market News Briefs Getting Back More Than a Warm Feeling – Social Impact Bonds are spreading fast among philanthropists across the United States, attracting interests of federal government, nonprofits, foundations, and more. [ Read Article ] Northwestern's Impact Investing Courses Prepare Students For A Different Kind Of Career - Growing interest among young professionals about impact investing and social enterprise are not left unnoticed. Universities across the U.S. like Stanford, Duke, Harvard, Northwestern offer programs that unveil an emerging field. [ Read Article ] The ABCDs of Impact Investing and Social Enterprise – Antony Bugg-Levine talks about four fundamental questions to harness the potential of the social enterprise and impact investing movements. [ Read Article ] How Impact Investing Can Expand Environmental Entrepreneurship – Giulia Christianson interviews Jed Emerson, an international leader in the field of strategic philanthropy. They discuss how impact investors can help developing country entrepreneurs, and how strategies may be executed to create positive impact and multiple returns. [ Read Article ] Why is RBC banking on social finance? – RBC President and CEO Gordon Nixon and Financial Post’s Dan Ovsey discuss RBC’s recent focus on social finance. [ Read Article ] Ron D. Cordes on a Mission to Activate New Change Agents – In this interview, Michael Lindenmayer and Ron D. Cordes talk about financial advisors as new change agents in impact investing. [ Read Article ] Ben & Jerry's Becomes B-Corp Certified, Adds Credibility To Impact Investing Movement. [ Read Article ] Deans announce new challenge – Harvard announced $150,000 in new entrepreneurship challenges asking students across the University to team up and create innovative solutions to challenges in the fields of culture and health. [ Read Article ] Nesta Launches £25m Social Investment Fund – Oliver Thring lays out reasons to why many HNWs remain sceptical of impact investment potential benefits. [ Read Article ] Impact investing a growing trend with family offices, says Wermuth – The German alternative investment advisory firm admits that impact investing is next big theme and investors around the world want to invest and make a positive impact. [ Read Article ] | |
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