What Didn't Work: Behind the Curve Corrupt governments cash in on the Millennium Challenge Corporation's outdated metrics In 2004, the US. government-backed Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) certified the West African nation of Senegal as eligible to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid. Initially, Senegal seemed like an excellent choice for a grant from the MCC, which targets aid to poor countries that are committed to good governance, free markets, and investments in people. Senegal is one of the few African states that has never had a coup d'état. And since the nation became independent from France in 1960, Senegal's leaders have peacefully transferred power two times—most recently in 2000, when citizens elected the current president, Abdoulaye Wade. In addition, the country has encouraged private sector-led development and has at least offi cially welcomed foreign companies. Since Wade's election, however, Senegal's enthusiasm for economic freedom, poverty reduction, and sustainable growth seems to have flagged. For instance, after giving the French and Canadian consortium Hydro Québec International-Elyo a 34 percent stake in senelec, Senegal's monopoly electricity supplier, the Senegalese government would not allow the company to recoup its investment by raising prices. Frustrated in their attempts to turn a profit and to modernize the ramshackle power system, the investors were forced to accept a government buyout after less than 18 months. >>Continue reading this article SSIR is a Leader in Use of Recycled Paper Find SSIR in Green America's newsstand promotion this month SSIR is featured this month in 240 of Barnes & Nobles' largest bookstores, thanks to the magazine's leadership position in using recycled paper. Along with nine other publications, SSIR is grabbing increased visibility in special magazine racks sponsored by Green America's Better Paper Project. "These unique promotions increase visibility and sales for magazines that have made the commitment to print on recycled paper. In tough economic times these magazines are testament that environmental and fiscal responsibility can go hand in hand," says Máire Walsh, director of client services at Next Steps Marketing, who runs the promotions on behalf of the Better Paper Project. Currently only 2% of consumer magazines use recycled paper. For the cover, SSIR uses New Leaf Reincarnation, 100% recycled with 50% post consumer content. SSIR's body text is Sappi Opus, 30% post consumer recycled paper. SSIR qualifies to use the Better Paper Mark and plans to be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified shortly. With the Fall issue, readers can find SSIR in a total of 642 newsstands across the country. To find a newsstand near you, visit www.ssireview.org/newsstand. The Latest From the SSIR Blog Jean Butzen: Because it's the Right Thing to Do I love the Internet because people can find me so easily and that means I can learn about interesting partnerships like the one I'm about to share with you: Pathways to Home: The Community Collaboration, which is a partnership of 16 different case management agencies in Seminole County, Florida. The recession is awful, but it is spurring some communities to do some radical restructuring of their services and Seminole County is a good example of this. As Debbra Groseclose, one of the leaders in creating Pathways to Home Collaborative told me, this collaboration came about because her community had 1,200 homeless children in their school system and rather than take it slow and hope for the best, "we chose to move at warp speed." It all began when the state of Florida required each county to create a children's cabinet composed of the local leadership on children's issues. >>Continue reading this post | Subscribe to social change!
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