"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?--- 2009年9月11日 星期五,Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) <info@ssireview.org> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) <info@ssireview.org> 主題: The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2009年9月11日,星期五,上午5:43Trouble viewing this e-mail? Click here. New in Fall Issue: The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle By Ann Goggins Gregory & Don Howard Organizations that build robust infrastructure—which includes sturdy information technology systems, financial systems, skills training, fundraising processes, and other essential overhead—are more likely to succeed than those that do not. This is not news, and nonprofits are no exception to the rule. Yet it is also not news that most nonprofits do not spend enough money on overhead. In our consulting work at the Bridgespan Group, we frequently find that our clients agree with the idea of improving infrastructure and augmenting their management capacity, yet they are loath to actually make these changes because they do not want to increase their overhead spending. But underfunding overhead can have disastrous effects ... >>Continue reading this article The Latest From the SSIR Blog Gina Klein Jorasch: Fear and excitement about real momentum for progressives It is ironic that the Tides Foundation founded the Momentum conference 6 years ago when there was no momentum behind the progressive agenda. Now, in its 6th year, Momentum finally has some real momentum. From health care to the environment to labor and the financial system, every speaker was visibly excited and somewhat surprised to find themselves suddenly with the opportunity they have been waiting years for: real change is now possible. Coupled with that energy and enthusiasm was also fear—that the moment would be lost, or not seized upon entirely, or that the progressives could not put together and market a united front as effectively as the conservatives. There was also a hint of debate in all this excitement. Like a kid in a candy store, the question was: do I completely stuff my pockets and risk losing it all? or do I just grab a few jelly bellies and be content? And how do progressives stage a real debate on the issues while still supporting the President? >>Continue reading this post Fall Digital Edition Live Online Now! SSIR is excited to announce that our fall digital edition is available today at www.ssireview.org. SSIR 's digital version replicates the print edition page for page with hyperlink enhancements that take full advantage of digital technology. Other features include a hyperlinked page-by-page index, search functions to find information within stories instantly, three different page view choices, and the option to download the entire PDF of each issue. The digital edition is free with a print subscription to the magazine. To access SSIR digital editions, simply log on to our Web site with your username and password. If you are a subscriber but are not yet registered for online access or have forgotten your username or password, please email subscriber services at info@ssireview.org. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can become one and gain instant access to both our print and digital editions by signing up at www.ssireview.org/subscribe. Once you are logged in, click the flipping magazine in the upper-left corner of our Web site. | Subscribe to social change!
We're offering new and renewing subscribers the Stanford Social Innovation Review magazine for 23% off! Act now and pay only $39.95 for one year. SSIR EVENT Shaping Effective Organizations During Tough Times Now more than ever, you need innovative ideas to help you move your organization forward. Come to the 2009 Nonprofit Management Institute and learn creative new strategies for running and growing your organization during tough economic times. Details. FROM OUR PARTNERS Convene. Connect. Create. Fight Poverty. Join fellow philanthropists, nonprofit leaders, social entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the Opportunity Collaboration. This distinctive networking event will be held October 17-20 2009. Come to create change, leverage resources and form alliances in the fight against poverty. Register for the Opportunity Collaboration today. www.opportunitycollaboration.net | | This e-mail was sent by: Stanford Social Innovation Review Center for Social Innovation, Stanford Graduate School of Business, 518 Memorial Way, Stanford, CA, 94305-5015, United States | You have signed up to receive enews from the Stanford Social Innovation Review. Click here to unsubscribe or to modify your profile.
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