"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年2月11日 星期四,Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge <hksec2009@sechallenge.hk> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge <hksec2009@sechallenge.hk> 主題: Thank You for supporting Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge 2009 收件人: "Houghton Wan" <incubator.hou@gmail.com> 日期: 2010年2月11日,星期四,下午12:18  Dear Guest, The HKSEC 2009 Grand Final Presentation Day and Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony was successfully held on the 6 th February 2010. Over 100 guests and students attended the presentations session and the gala dinner & awards ceremony. We were thrilled to witness such high quality of presentations brought by our 6 Grand Finalist teams and the three Invitation Teams from Macau and China. Both our Champion teams Inter Cultural Education and True Colors demonstrated innovative ideas and sound business acumen in solving cultural related social issues. Full list of results from HKSEC 2009 is available here. In the coming year HKSEC has three objectives. They are to develop a platform for entrepreneurial conceptualization, to seek interested investors parties, and to explore a cross-sector network of personal connections. I believe HKSEC will be able to generate greater awareness on social enterprise and to lead our students to become passionate social entrepreneurs. Your participation has contributed to H KSEC's success this year. We wish to expand the project with more activities and partners in 2010, your continuous supports are very valuable to us. Wishing you a happy Lunar New Year. Regards, Mingles Tsoi Project Director Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge T: +852 2696-1967 F: +852 2609-7180 M: +852 9043-0786 CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship www.cuhk.edu.hk/centre/entrepreneurship | |  | | If you cannot view this mail please click here.
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