......................................................... Ministry of Justice Social Enterprise Conference 2010  Red Ochre participated in a conference on social enterprise sponsored by the Ministry of Justice on the 4th of March in London. Red Ochre had a stand at the conference that attracted a lot of interest from a wide variety of participants. From government officials, the probation services, the National Offender Management Service, NOMS, to organisations that work on crime prevention, supporting ex-offenders into work or out of homelessness and drug dependency or re-offending through to those that work with offenders whilst still in prison. Red Ochre’s support to other organisations operating in these fields and also direct interventions with ex-offenders was of particular interest. Uday Thakkar, Red Ochre’s Managing Director, also presented a workshop on “BAME Social Enterprises – the missing dimension”. The workshop explored how social enterprise, and in particular BAME led social enterprises, were providing solutions relating to the crime prevention and ex-offender management agenda. The presentation concluded that the social enterprise model was applicable right across the spectrum from prevention to rehabilitation and should be given more consideration and support. You can download the presentation here. ......................................................... Community Empowerment & Cohesion Red Ochre participated in a Public Policy seminar on the 15th of March in London. The seminar was on ‘Social Enterprise, Community Empowerment and Cohesion’. The Department of Communities and Local Government, the Social Enterprise Coalition and the Economic and Social Research Council have been running a number of seminars on different themes involving social enterprise. There were three panellists/presenters. Uday Thakkar, the managing director of Red Ochre, participated as a practicing social entrepreneur. His theme was how social enterprise has been instrumental in creating community cohesion and community empowerment particularly in communities otherwise regarded as hard to reach or living in multiple deprivation. He demonstrated this using case studies and examples of the successful and inspiring work that Red Ochre has done in this arena. The other panellists were Rebecca Harding from Delta Economics, who spoke about her recent research on the hidden social enterprises in society, and Richard Farnell who is Professor of Neighbourhood Regeneration at Coventry University who spoke of the research his department has undertaken on the faith perspective in community cohesion and empowerment. A copy of Uday’s presentation can be downloaded here. ......................................................... Coutts Bank Sponsors Social Entrepreneur  Uday Thakkar was sponsored by Coutts Bank, (www.coutts.com), to participate in a business development programme. Cranfield University, which has one of the top UK Business Schools, also runs a Business Growth Programme,(www.som.cranfield.ac.uk/som/bgp), for owner managed companies. The programme is unique in addressing entrepreneurs and assisting them in rapidly growing their businesses. Coutts bank has been taking an increasing interest in social enterprise and ways of supporting social entrepreneurs. The initiative headed by Andrew Haigh has been exploring ways that the bank’s successful portfolio of commercial entrepreneurs can link and assist social entrepreneurs. Uday attended 4 2-day residential events at Cranfield. The programme includes a variety of tutor led modules covering all aspects of an enterprise. There is a considerable amount of group work to be done. A counsellor is allocated to each group who helps guide and support the participants. The end result is to produce a strategy that will enable the entrepreneurs to realise their vision. Despite offering similar expert help to Red Ochre’s clients Uday found the BGP programme incredibly rewarding. “I learned a lot of new things and how to articulate better a lot I already know. The best part is the interaction with the other entrepreneurs and the peer to peer support and help that you get. I was also able to inform a lot of people on the concept of social enterprise. I believe I may even have a convert or two”. Cranfield is taking social enterprise very seriously and future BGP programmes will include more social enterprise participants and dedicated learning modules for them. We will keep you informed about this. As Uday says “This is a fantastic programme and I have immediately started applying my learning to Red Ochre and to the many clients that we help and support”.  Uday with his learning group, David Francis, Nick Leach and David Long. ......................................................... Oxford Jam Running in parallel to the Skoll World Forum, OxfordJam is a co-created event for the nurturing of social economy and social finance projects around the world. Penny Daly, Director of Red Ochre, attended some excellent discussions on different social enterprise models, the gift economy, global networking and support systems. She also led a discussion on the role of social entrepreneurship as a model to support people out of unemployment. For more information please click here. http://www.oxfordjam.org.uk/ ......................................................... We now have the video of the award-winning Department for Transport mentoring programme which had fast-track graduates mentoring unemployed people in the Churchill Gradens Estate. Please click here to watch the video. ......................................................... Upcoming Workshops April 2010 PR & Marketing can change your life: A practical guide to getting the right marketing for your new business - 19th April Date: Monday 19th April 2010 Time: 10:00 – 15:00 (lunch provided) Venue: Board Room, Downstream Building, 1 London Bridge, SE1 9BG Consultant: Sarah McCarthy – who has worked in PR for almost 10 years In this workshop, Sarah will share with you practical and simple techniques to maximise the impact of your business. The workshop will be full of exercises and examples of how to use PR to deliver clear messages to your customers. We will look at: Choosing a business name and registering it Getting the right logo Marketing materials – practical tips on flyers and websites Building mailing lists Writing and using press releases Using PR effectively Feel free to bring along any marketing materials you already have. Sarah will show you how important it is to get your marketing right, provide you with some PR tools and prove to you that marketing can even be fun! To book, please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk Upcoming Red Ochre Workshops 2010 Managing an Ethical Business - 20th May Global interest in sustainability, green issues and ethical business has been growing for a long time. The current economic crisis is leading even more people to ask whether the only forward is for businesses to become Ethical • What does “Ethical” mean? • What does a budding entrepreneur need to consider before launching a new business? • If you are already in business how do you become more “Ethical”? Uday will look at what Ethical means, examine different business models using case studies and look at practical steps at becoming Ethical. Time: 14.00 - 17.00 Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre Price: £30 Inc VAT To book a place please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk Introduction to Social Enterprise & Legal Structures - 27th May What is Social Enterprise? How do you become a social entrepreneur? Have you got what it takes? If you are starting to establish a Social Enterprise and are looking for a clear understanding of the concept, this workshop is for you. Uday Thakkar will help you explore the practicalities of starting a social enterprise, and learn about the social entrepreneur's journey with a forward looking prospective. You will acquire an understanding of the different legal structures available to social enterprise and become familiar with the management, governance and funding aspects of each. Time: 10.00 - 16.00 Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre Price: £50 Inc VAT What to do when in trouble - 8th June This is a half day workshop for Directors, Senior Managers or Trustees of Third Sector organisations. The workshop will look at issues that might cause problems to your organisation, from cash shortages, personnel problems, governance issues, disputes etc. The workshop will examine ways to anticipate and prevent problems. It will also examine as to what to do if you need to take action to deal with problems, how to ensure compliance with the law and also how to limit your own exposure to liability. The workshop is free and places are limited. We will ask for a £20 deposit. Preference will be given to participants from smaller organisations. The workshop will be facilitated by Uday Thakkar, the Managing Director of Red Ochre, the leading Third Sector support organisation. Uday has had plenty of practical experience of helping many senior managers through organisational problems. Time: 10am - 1pm Date: Tuesday 8th June Venue: 1 London Bridge To book a place please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk ......................................................... Recent workshops Red Ochre have delivered We regularly deliver workshops for various organisations. Please see below some of the workshops Red Ochre has delivered in the past few months: Luton City Council - What to do when things go wrong workshop Hackney CVS - Legal Structures Hackney CVS – An introduction to Working in a Consortium DTA/Community Builders – Peer to Peer Mentoring Cardinal Hume Centre – Mentoring Induction DSC - Accounting & Financial Management Business Link - Social Enterprise Training CDF - Monitoring, Evaluating & Reporting Ready to Grow - Selling to the public sector, Legal requirements British Library Business & IP Centre - Introduction to Social Enterprise & Legal Structures, Managing an Ethical Business For more information on our workshops please contact anna@redochre.org.uk ......................................................... Red Ochre Profile This month we welcome our new office assistant, Rudy Munroe Smith. Rudy has joined Red Ochre to help with the normal day to day duties in the busy Red Ochre office. For any general enquiries please e-mail rudy@redochre.org.uk ......................................................... smartResources supported by Red Ochre, a free resource centre for the Third Sector. ......................................................... Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/redochreUK ......................................................... |
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