......................................................... Uday Thakkar, Red Ochre's MD, on the world social enterprise forum  Group photo taken in Seattle "I always knew that being a social entrepreneur would bring its rewards. A discrete phone call from the Social Enterprise Coalition offering to part pay for me to visit San Francisco to attend the World Social Enterprise Forum seemed just reward for all those years of toil. I could now hold my head up to all those “successful” commercial acquaintances – “I’m off to California – on business!” A great time to be in San Francisco said the guide book, late April early May – sunshine. Well as ever the weather played havoc with the forecasts – it rained quite a bit. Also the Icelandic volcano did its best to stop us flying at all. But arrive we did, part of a delegation organized by CEiS to attend the conference and to visit various American social enterprises. Very exciting! The conference apparently attracted delegates from 70 countries. The UK fielded the largest contingent of overseas delegates numbering almost 30. Despite being billed as a World Forum the conference was very US orientated just like all its news services. There were a small number of presentations by social entrepreneurs from other countries. Apparently the best workshops were from English social entrepreneurs, one being Peter Holbrook, the new chief executive of the Social Enterprise Coalition. On the premise I had not flown thousands of miles to listen to people who talk to me all the time back home I went in search of the American and Global experience..." read more... ........................................... Uday Thakkar talks about his achievements and vision Featured on the Diverse Ethics website, Uday talks about this achievements and visions. Diverse Ethics is a social enterprise which provides expert information, training and a consultancy service for public and private organisations. Please click here to read the article. ........................................................ Social Entrepreneurs wanted for the UK’s most successful business growth & development programme Following Uday Thakkar’s participation Cranfield Business School’s Business Growth Programme (see previous newsletter) Cranfield are now seeking more social entrepreneurs to participate in this unique business support programme for fast growth businesses. Cranfield are looking for 5 ambitious social entrepreneurs to start on the programme commencing in September. The social entrepreneurs will have their fees subsidised. Uday can vouch for the fact that he learned a lot, and that all of this has been applied back to improve Red Ochre and ultimately to our clients. The programme was intense but fun and meeting and exchanging ideas with fellow entrepreneurs exhilarating. The new programme will have dedicated modules for social entrepreneurs. Please click here for more details. ......................................................... Funding & Finance for Social Enterprise Finance remains a major weakness for most potential and existing social enterprises. Understanding finance and financial management are necessary to demonstrate before attempting to raise funding. This workshop will review finance and financial management and how to use these skills to make funding applications and improve management decisions. The workshop will also look at the different sources of funding available to social entrepreneurs including grant-making trust, government and lottery funding, as well as bank funding, social lenders and other new methods of funding. This workshop has been specifically designed for the social enterprise sector and takes place on the 1st July, 2nd September, 16th November, and the 7th December. To join the facilitator, Uday Thakkar, on any of the above dates please contact the call centre on 0845 6000 787 to book yourself a place. ......................................................... Upcoming Red Ochre Workshops Introduction to Social Enterprise & Legal Structures - 27th May What is Social Enterprise? How do you become a social entrepreneur? Have you got what it takes? If you are starting to establish a Social Enterprise and are looking for a clear understanding of the concept, this workshop is for you. Uday Thakkar will help you explore the practicalities of starting a social enterprise, and learn about the social entrepreneur's journey with a forward looking prospective. You will acquire an understanding of the different legal structures available to social enterprise and become familiar with the management, governance and funding aspects of each. Time: 10.00 - 16.00 Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre Price: £50 Inc VAT What to do when in trouble - 8th June This is a half day workshop for Directors, Senior Managers or Trustees of Third Sector organisations. The workshop will look at issues that might cause problems to your organisation, from cash shortages, personnel problems, governance issues, disputes etc. The workshop will examine ways to anticipate and prevent problems. It will also examine as to what to do if you need to take action to deal with problems, how to ensure compliance with the law and also how to limit your own exposure to liability. The workshop is free and places are limited. Preference will be given to participants from smaller organisations. The workshop will be facilitated by Uday Thakkar, the Managing Director of Red Ochre, the leading Third Sector support organisation. Uday has had plenty of practical experience of helping many senior managers through organisational problems. Time: 10am - 1pm Date: Tuesday 8th June Venue: 1 London Bridge To book a place please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk ......................................................... Red Ochre Profile Each month we’re going to let you know what one of our Red Ochre team has been up to. This month we feature: Rita Fentener, Senior Consultant at Red Ochre What have I been up to? Well… For the past two years… I have been managing Ready to Grow, our capacity-building and business support programme for BAME social entrepreneurs. This is now our third and final year and we are delighted that so many of the ideas we are supporting have started trading and becoming more resilient and sustainable. So far, we have worked with over 150 entrepreneurs, either through training or 1-1 support. This involves long hours and multiple challenges along the way, but the social entrepreneurs and the impact they have do make it all worthwhile. Over the last few months… I have managed the development of a business planning toolkit for social enterprise commissioned by Business Links in London. This included writing and editing lots of practical guides for social entrepreneurs and trying to share tips on all the steps that are involved in business planning. We are delighted with the results and hope that you find it helpful. The toolkit is free but you need to register first at http://www.bllondon.com/SocialEnterprise/ SocialEnterpriseHome.aspx Yesterday… I was at HMP the Mount, a category C prison for adult males. Red Ochre was invited to attend a Multi Racial Community Links Conference about raising the standards in service provision to offenders and ‘ex-offenders’ (although the use of this term was widely debated!). It was an eye-opening day where it was made clear that engaging further with Third Sector providers, especially those who can provide a culturally sensitive provision, was high on the agenda. Perhaps social enterprise can be a viable route to employment for some people who have been through the prison system? Soon… I will be completing the thesis for my M.Sc. in Environmental Decision-making. I am currently researching the added value of social enterprises in environmental markets, investigating both the challenges they face and the success factors that make them competitive. I welcome any suggestions with regards to particular case studies or interesting developments in the field. Email me at rita@redochre.org.uk ......................................................... smartResources supported by Red Ochre, a free resource centre for the Third Sector. ......................................................... Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/redochreUK |  | Other News & Events Free meeting rooms available in central London CAN Mezzanine is a charity providing high-quality office space and meeting rooms exclusively to third sector. CAN Mezzanine are offering their meeting rooms free of charge for you to hold your next trustee meeting. To book your next trustee meeting at CAN Mezzanine visit their website or contact Claire on 020 7250 8001. Childcare support scheme Is the cost of childcare stopping you from finding work? Southwark Childcare Affordability Programme can help - You could benefit from support worth up to £2,144. Southwark Childcare Affordability Programme could pay some of the costs towards a childcare place for up to 12 months. Please click here for more information. Successful Time Management, half-day workshop - 28th May CAN Mezzanine is pleased to team up once again with SilverbackWorks to deliver their Successful Time Management training, with amazingly discounted places for CAN Mezzanine customers & third sector organisations. "Successful Time Management" is packed with practical techniques and insight to enable you to make the most of your time. Read more... Strategic Business Planning - 28th May This workshop will look at the various stages of Strategic Business planning Process in consultation with key stakeholders and also set a realistic timetable. One to one support with all be available after the workshop. Please click here for further information. RewireLondon - 8th June RewireLondon is a one-day co-created, experimental and energising event to celebrate creativity, provide inspiration and explore new ways of working. An antidote to traditional conferences, at RewireLondon you set the agenda. Please click here for more information. Business Link in London: London's Businesses Networking - 9th June Do you want to build new contacts, and gain new business? Networking is NOT selling; it is about building and nurturing business relationships. This FREE event will provide you with the opportunity to build new business relationships. Please click on the flyer for more information. Low Cost, Fast Growth Marketing - 10th June In this seminar, serial entrepreneur and investor Doug Richard digs deep into advanced online marketing tactics: the essential lessons that every entrepreneur needs to understand. Finding fast growth, effective and affordable channels to reach customers is critical to any business; but especially so for growing businesses during a recession. To book a place and to find out more information, please click here. Business Plan Workshop - 10th June Are you thinking of starting a business? Give yourself every chance of succeeding with this Business Planning workshop. We know business plans can be difficult - however they are one of the most important areas for any new business. Read more... The Power of Social Media - 15th June Whether you have a business idea for a new online community or want practical advice on deploying Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to access your target market, this will be an invaluable evening. Please click here for more information. The Perfect Buiness Plan Workshop - 15th June Anyone can write a business plan...but not many people can write a good one! An effective business plan is one that gets results, whether compiled for internal management use or to raise finance. Please click here for more information. Hidden Art Business Review Panel - 16th June Helping Creative Businesses to Take Advantage of Opportunities. Not content with merely surviving a recession, the Hidden Art Innovation in a Recession Forum is focussed on providing strategies and tools for design businesses to thrive as the global economy struggles back to its feet. Featuring a host of industry professionals, the 11th Forum will give an informed voice on developing work to secure new sales. To book a place, please click here. Making The Most Of Your IP - 21st June Do you understand the Basics of IP Rights? Are you able to identify and protect what you have and effective ways to get the most value from your assets? Read more... Bootstrapping for sales - 28th June For any start-up, getting the first sale is a big milestone. Your chances of getting funding also dramatically increases when a company is aleady producing revenue - however small. At this two-hour seminar learn highly practical bootstrapping approaches to securing sales for your business with little or no capital. Click here for more information. Marketing! – The First Steps to Growing your Business - 28th June Intensive, practical and inspiring! This is a highly interactive workshop on marketing Your business to help business owners make the most of the opportunities for their business. For more information please click here. | |
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