Social Enterprise Coalition activity  New home for SEC! The Social Enterprise Coalition is moving! We have found a new office space that not only suits our needs better, but allows us to become part of a social enterprise community. We will very shortly be leasing our new office space from CAN Mezzanine in East London. CAN Mezzanine is an award-winning social enterprise that provides space, services and products to support the Third Sector. SEC frequently works closely with CAN, and we look forward to building on that relationship. From the 7th June the Social Enterprise Coalition will be found at: CAN Mezzanine 49 - 51 East Road Old Street London N1 6AH All telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for staff will remain the same. If you have any questions about our move please contact our Office Manager, James Hughesdon, on Membership enquiries can continue to be sent to We look forward to continuing our work with you from our new location! Members' consultation SEC wants to talk! This is a significant year of change for us and how we carry forward our vision for social enterprise. As a membership-led organisation, we recognise that you are at the heart of that vision. We are committed to understanding your needs, concerns and aspirations in terms of what we can deliver to you and the benefits you derive from your membership. To this end, we are conducting a face-to-face members' consultation, where one of our research team will come visit you on a day that suits you and discuss how you see yourself in relation to SEC, how we could improve the package we offer you, and how you think we should evolve in today's climate surrounding social enterprise. If you would like to participate, please contact Lidija at New members Social Enterprise Europe Ltd Social Enterprise Europe Ltd. provides services to develop and support social enterprise. They provide unique training packages and provide consultancy and a series of guides on all aspects of social enterprise. National Association for Neighbourhood Management The National Association for Neighbourhood Management (NANM), formerly known as the National Neighbourhood Management Network, was set up in 2002 by Communities and Local Government to support neighbourhood partnerships which are ‘narrowing the gap' by improving the quality of life in communities across England. Portsmouth Healthy Towns Community Catering CIC Portsmouth Healthy Towns Community Catering CIC is a catering company promoting healthy eating. The company currently has no website TTS Group Torridge Training Services (TTS Group) in North Devon was set up 23 years ago to assist unemployed, economically inactive and disadvantaged people into employment or education using a wide range of interventions. New Start Highland New Start Highland is a local charity providing accessible support solutions and delivering furniture re-use services for people to embark on a new beginning. Its aim is to help people who are experiencing a period of vulnerability to realise their own potential as they work towards a sustainable future. Local Energy Local Energy is a social enterprise established by the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU). All surpluses directly subsidise the LGiU's charitable work. Local Energy exists to ensure that public sector organisations manage the risks associated with new legislation on carbon trading and make their full contribution to reducing per capita carbon emissions. Reason Digital Limited Reason Digital Limited are a digital engagement agency for public & third sector organisations Benenden Healthcare Society Benenden Healthcare Society are a mutual healthcare provider providing personal healthcare services to employees of the public sector, registered charities and other approved organisations. Sound Solution Mastering LTD Sound Solution Mastering is a Hackney based Mastering, Recording & Rehearsal studio Multitaska Ltd Multitaska is a business that has been established to offer other organisations, big and small, outsourcing solutions that will enable them to thrive. Multitaska is a Social Firm and 50% of its workforce has learning disabilities. Bridging to the Future Ltd Bridging to the Future (BTF) develops programmes to enhance employability and life skills for young people, which are designed to bridge from disadvantage to opportunity and also introducing new ways of enhancing professional and career development within businesses. News Social enterprise celebrates the award of two further red London bus routes CT Plus , a subsidiary of award-winning social enterprise HCT Group, has been awarded contracts to operate two more red London bus routes by Transport for London (TfL) taking the total number of red bus routes it runs to eight. Speaking of the two successes, HCT Group's Chief Executive, Dai Powell, said: "We are very pleased to have won these two new routes. Both are important local services and it is very encouraging that TfL are willing to entrust new work to social enterprises." CT Plus has been operating red bus routes in London since 2001, and is the only social enterprise to do so currently. HCT reinvests surpluses generated from the operation of commercial contracts such as these in community transport schemes aimed at making public transport available to all. It also runs a variety of training initiatives aimed at tackling long-term unemployment in the areas in which it operates. CT Plus will commence operation of the two routes on 18 October 2010. Events RISE Business Advice Network - Is social franchising an opportunity for the social enterprise sector? 02 June Bristol Once a social enterprise has been running successfully ‘social franchising' can sometimes be an effective way to develop and expand the business further. This event will look more closely at social franchising with a keynote speech form Keith Richardson, Coordinator of the UK Social Franchising Network and the European Social Franchising Network. To sign up for this event, contact Kat Lee on 01392 456531 or email to receive a booking form. Cost - attendance is free for RISE Additions members, and costs £55 for non-members. Book now! Thinking outside the employment box: A look into the future of flexible employment solutions 18 June London This seminar will offer practical insights into a range of creative employment practices and answer the most frequently asked questions, such as: can I really get better quality people if I'm more flexible and creative? What legal issues are involved in engaging interim managers? How can I use part-time and job share arrangements in an effective way? Jointly hosted by Women Like Us and PrimeTimers, social enterprises that specialise in part-time recruitment and interim executives, the seminar speakers include: - Iain Herbertson, Special Advisor on Employment, the Mayor's Fund for London, who will share his experiences of the benefits that flexible working brings to business
- Christina Searle, HR Director of Sue Ryder Care, who will share her first hand experience of employing interim managers
- Irwin Mitchell, law firm, who will give you an insight into the impact of future European and UK changes to employment law on flexible employment
The event will be of particular interest to HR Managers and Directors of charities and social enterprises, Chief Executives of small and medium size organisations or trustees with responsibility for people management practices Cost - £10.00 including buffet lunch To register to attend please email  Creating employee-owned organisations in the NHS: engaging and empowering NHS staff 5 July London There is an increasing focus both in the media and from politicians on employee ownership, mutual ownership, co-operatives, the John Lewis model and social enterprise. The three main political parties have supported these organisational models in some form. How can these approaches be used to engage NHS staff, and give them greater ownership and control over their work, how services are delivered and how their organisation is run? This conference from The Kings Fund will include a keynote speech from Patrick Lewis, Partners' Counsellor, John Lewis Partnership. To view the full programme and to book your place, please visit The Kings Fund website Performance Management in Social Enterprise and other Third Sector Organisations 9 June Southampton This one day workshop is for practitioners and academics involved in social enterprises and charities to learn about performance management. The day will showcase speakers from leading charities and social enterprises as well as academics from the School of Management at the University of Southampton. Topics to be covered include: - Inclusive governance and beneficiary involvement in social enterprise
- Why measure performance
- The importance of the triple bottom line
- Stakeholder mapping
- Measuring performance
- Performance management frameworks
Cost - £25 including lunch and refreshments. For more information or to book a place on this workshop please contact Vicky Howe or Brenda Trickey on Resources  The Women's Enterprise Hub The Women's Enterprise Hub recently launched by social enterprise Blackburne House offers affordable, flexible officespace with Wi-Fi access on a 'hot desking' basis for women. A range of membership levels are available offering use of office space, postal address, access to events and opportunities, discounted use of conference and cafe facilities and options for childcare. For more information please contact Jo McGrath on 0151 708 3937 or e-mail £5,000 prizes for low carbon transport projects - LowCVP and Energy Saving Trust launch Community Challenge The LowCVP and Energy Saving Trust has launched the Community Challenge, offering prizes of up to £5,000 for community based projects promoting low carbon vehicles and fuels or smarter, sustainable travel. The judges are looking for community groups to submit original ideas that reduce carbon emissions from travel and transport. There are three categories: Vehicles and Fuels, Smarter/Eco Driving and Reducing Car Use. Projects can deliver physical improvements, equipment or technological developments, as well as providing information or setting up a scheme to promote sustainable transport. Entry forms are available on the LowCVP website. The deadline for entries is 4th June 2010. For further information or to enter, please visit or call 020 8469 1333. Voluntary Committee member wanted Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust is seeking to co-opt a new voluntary member to its Power & Responsibility Committee. They are looking for someone who - Can offer insights into the field of corporate accountability
- Has experience and knowledge of either a social enterprise or a new model of business
- Has an active interest in both the corporate accountability and democracy aspects of the Power & Responsibility programme
- Is sympathetic to JRCT's Quaker values and its commitment to social justice
This committee oversees the Trust's Power & Responsibility programme, which makes grants of around £1.385million a year. The commitment is to around five days per year plus additional reading between meetings. The Trust prefers to appoint co-opted members who are one-step removed from working for the NGOs who are the main recipients of our funds. Further information and details of how to apply can be found on the Trust's website at The closing date for applications is Monday 1 June 2010. Member profile Vision Beyond Borders Vision Beyond Borders is a social firm whose mission is to recruit and support skilled professionals to take bespoke sabbaticals in developing countries and emerging markets. Partnering with Non Governmental Organisations (NGO's) and local businesses, their mission is to empower individuals and facilitate international development. Programs are tailored to simultaneously make the most of clients' transferrable skills and meet partners' requirements in order to ensure sustainable and high-impact outcomes. Jobs Director of Resources - OPM Salary: to £75,000 + Benefits Central London OPM works to develop the effectiveness of organisations that are committed to improving social outcomes. Our current activities include organisational development, management and leadership development, strategy formation, service re-design, change processes, stakeholder engagement, research and evaluation. We seek to ensure that the learning from these different areas is integrated, to develop and improve what we offer to clients. The postholder will report to the Chief Executive, will be the board's principal adviser on finance and resources issues, and will lead the resources functions. Main responsibilities The post holder will be responsible for the following: - All financial aspects of company strategy and provisionof financial and management information to the board and managers, including:
- Budgeting and financial planning
- Financial policies
- Ensuring corporate systems and processes meet changingbusiness needs,
- Responsibility for ICT, HR and Facilities
The Candidate For this exciting role we are seeking a qualified accountant with strong experience of leadership in a financial and corporate services role. In particular exposure to ICT, HR and business process improvement would be valuable. As well as technical skills, candidates must share OPM's values, including a commitment to serving the public interest, to ethical practice and to the continued success of our employee-ownership model Closing date: 12th June 2010 For more information please visit our dedicated recruitment website at or contact Laurence Wolahan or Andrew Timlin on 020 7520 5973 or Director of Operations - National Housing Federation Salary: Up to £110,000 pa + benefits Central London The National Housing Federation (NHF) represents 1,200 Associations and plays a critical role in creating better housing and neighbourhoods. We help the vulnerable and elderly to live independently, help build cleaner, greener homes and help ensure our members can provide affordable housing. The Role - A leadership team post working closely with the Chief Executive to further the NHF's potential.
- You will be responsible for all internal support functions including finance, HR, ICT and Customer relations
The Candidate - Possessing an accountancy qualification and broader business skills.
- A proven leader, you will have experience of successfully driving strategy and change in a relevant environment.
- You will be comfortable engaging with a wide range of members and stakeholders.
Closing date: 7th June 2010 For more information regarding this exciting opportunity, please contact David Cairncross of Hays Executive on 020 7520 5973 / or visit Art2Print Production Organiser - Blackfriars Settlement Salary: £29,511 Central London Art2Print is a design and print production project being set up using a social enterprise model within the Settlement's Mental Health Service. The aim is to extend existing opportunities available to members by providing training courses in the basic design process. These will be a pathway to work experience as part of a creative design team. A unique portfolio will be developed of original art and design work to sell to organisations and businesses as templates for stationery, posters, flyers, logos and other promotional materials. At the end of the 3 year funding for this post we want to deliver a commercially viable business with administration and production of its product delivered by people with mental health difficulties. Year 1 will involve developing a design team from graduates of the Art2Print course, completing the business plan and establishing appropriate adminstrative systems. Closing date: 1st June 2010 For more information visit Funded by The National Lottery through Big Lottery Fund. Advertise and search for jobs on the number one social enterprise job pages. Social Enterprise Coalition members get great deals on advertising rates and it's easy to get your job uploaded to allow you to focus on running your business. For more information email James at or visit our job pages. Back to the top |
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