"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年5月5日 星期三,Red Ochre <Red.Ochre@cmp.ctt-news.org> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Red Ochre <Red.Ochre@cmp.ctt-news.org> 主題: Red Ochre Success Stories 收件人: "incubator.hou@gmail.com" <incubator.hou@gmail.com> 日期: 2010年5月5日,星期三,下午6:54 To view this email in a browser click here   |  |  | Mark Griffiths and Uday Thakkar at 11 Downing Street  | One of the fun activities: The groups tangled up by the string | |  | |  | Innovative social enterprise launches at 11 Downing Street Mark Griffiths launched The School & Family Works at 11 Downing Street with a wonderfully chaotic and fun event dominated by children and parents. The launch was hosted by Jill Darling and who asked if anyone had heard of her husband, a certain Alastair Darling. The School & Family Works, an innovative social enterprise, has been formed to break cycles of deprivation and inequalities by ensuring children succeed in school. It works in schools and childcare settings with families who are having difficulty accessing the opportunities education offers. Drawing on psychodynamic and systemic thinking it builds relationships, enable choice and facilitate emotional growth and learning. more... |  | |  | |  | |  | South Bank Mosaics makes a BIG impact South Bank Mosaics CIC, SBM, a successful social enterprise based in Lambeth has been using the design, making and installation of mosaics as way of creating skills and jobs for youths and ex-offenders. SBM has created wonderful pieces of art depicting travel in Waterloo Station, decorated local parks and is in its 6th year of a ten year project celebrating Blake who had a long association with Lambeth. David Toothill the chief executive tells us that “Mosaic is a metaphor for London: all the peoples, tribes, clans, communities, creeds, faiths and freedoms coming together to make a brilliant whole”. SBM has just been awarded £221,233 over 3 years from BIG. The grant is for supporting community cohesion and shared activity. This will be undertaken by training and working alongside ten local groups, engaging with 600 people in the shared purpose of improving their neighbourhood, especially the by-paths and run down housing estates. more... |  | | |  | | |  | |  | twenty%extra are creating change through effective communication Red Ochre has been providing business support to twenty%extra through our Ready to Grow programme since the planning stages of their social enterprise, so we are delighted to see their talent being increasingly rewarded and recognized. They recently won Striding Out’s Future 100 Young Entrepreneur Award, as ‘entrepreneurs that are changing the face of everyday business’. In one year, twenty%extra have educated and engaged a wide range of audiences. They have been commissioned by London Community Recycling Network to run a youth-led advertising campaign on the importance of recycling and engaged with young carers to develop a brand identity for Slough Young Carers. twenty%extra’s latest project is building an interactive platform showcasing the creative talents of the young people of the Foyer Federation, enabling the young people to connect, develop and share creative skills. more... | |  © Red Ochre 2010 - www.redochre.org.uk 1 London Bridge, Downstream Building London, SE1 9BG Subscribe Forward this email Unsubscribe |
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