SSIR Wins Prestigious Maggie Award! The Stanford Social Innovation Review takes home the Maggie for Best Quarterly The Stanford Social Innovation Review received a prestigious Maggie award from the Western Publishing Association (WPA) last week at the 59th annual Maggies banquet, held in Los Angeles. This year, SSIR won Best Quarterly/Trade, making this the second consecutive year the magazine has won a Maggie. in 2009, SSIR won Most Improved Quarterly—recognition of the 2008 redesign of the magazine. Maggies are awarded annually to honor the best magazines, content Websites, and other publications in the western states. Other Maggie winners this year included Ode, Mother Jones, PCWorld, and OC Weekly. If you're not already a fan of SSIR on Facebook, a group member on LinkedIn, or a follower on Twitter, become one now. Working Wikily: Social Networks for Social Change Next webinar in SSIR Live! series is June 8, 11 am PDT SSIR's next webinar will be "Working Wikily: Social Networks for Social Change," presented by Heather McLeod Grant and Diana Scearce of the Monitor Institute. McLeod Grant and Scearce will discuss the fundamental shift now occurring in the way people think, form groups, and do their work. The focus is moving from organizations to networks, and new tools are enabling more collective ways of working. McLeod Grant and Scearce will share the results of research and pilot programs on network effectiveness that the Monitor Institute has conducted in partnership with The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and other clients. They will also suggest ways for organizations to get started working wikily. The webinar, which takes place on June 8 at 11 am PDT, follows the publication of the presenters' new article "Working Wikily" in the upcoming summer issue. McLeod Grant is also the co-author of Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits (Jossey-Bass, 2007), which was named a Top Ten Book of 2007 by the Economist. She co-authored "Creating High-Impact Nonprofits," (Fall 2007), one of SSIR's most popular articles of all time. >>Register for this pay-per-view webinar. The Latest From the SSIR Blog Creatively Combining The Back Office: A Series on Shared Service Alliances Part I: Interview with John Weiser, The Opportunities Exchange There has been so much discussion about the push to merge nonprofits, that I thought it be good to shift the focus to another form of strategic integration: Shared Service Alliances, or what some people refer to as management service organizations. In last month's Stanford Social Innovation Review, there was a great article by David LaPiana called "Merging Wisely ," which makes the case that there are lots of ways to partially integrate two or more nonprofits and get great results without merging. David explains that mergers are not always the correct strategic choice, and he is right. For the next few months I would like to share with you a series of interviews I have done with some nonprofit professionals who have found a way to add a lot of value to the mission of their nonprofits ... >>Continue reading this post | Subscribe to social change!
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