'Microfinance in Timor-Leste’ – Release of First BWTP Network Industry Update
The BWTP Network, in collaboration with the IFC Better Business Initiative, are pleased to release with this newsletter a report on the emerging microfinance sector in Timor-Leste (also known as East Timor). Since independence in 2002, the small South East Asian country has sought to rebuild vital infrastructure and civil society, including the rebuilding of the nation’s financial system. Progress is being made; branch by branch, centre by centre, and client by client, a system of inclusive finance is being built in Timor-Leste. To access the ‘Microfinance in Timor-Leste’ Industry Update click here.
Launch of the Lao PDR Microfinance Industry Report in Vientiane
BWTP Network Program Manager Jamie Bedson was invited to a meeting of the Lao Microfinance Working Group (MFWG) to launch ‘Lao PDR Microfinance Industry Report’ in Vientiane, 18th June 2010. The MFWG (profiled in last month’s newsletter), is an informal association of microfinance stakeholders in Lao, but is growing in response to the various challenges facing the industry. The country is in a unique position as the market and supportive policy/regulatory environments exist (including deposit-taking), but there is a large short-fall in capacity and human resources. The BWTP Network looks forward to a long collaboration with the MFWG on the issue of network strengthening and working to increase financial inclusion in the region. The Lao PDR industry assessment, as well as recently published reports for Thailand and Myanmar, is available here.
Network Capacity Assessment Undertaken by the SEEP Network
In May the BWTP Network hosted Kelly Hattel, SEEP Network consultant, and David Beguma, Executive Director of the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda as they undertook a Network Capacity Assessment (NCAT) of BWTP. The assessment was undertaken as activity of the Citi Network Strengthening Program and seeks to measure BWTP Network progress on key areas such as member services, governance, operations and external communication since the last NCAT in 2007. Over one month Kelly visited BWTP members and Executive Committee members in the Philippines and Sri Lanka, and was joined by David for interviews in Cambodia and Singapore.
The BWTP network secretariat wished to thank Kelly and David for their efforts, and also thank you to Mr Sim Senacheert, General Manager of BWTP Network member PRASAC for hosting an extremely informative field visit in Cambodia. A presentation of preliminary findings of the NCAT has been made to the BWTP Executive Committee, and a summary of finding will be shortly made available to network members.
Arab Microfinance – Middle East/North Africa (MESA) National Network Event and Sanabel NCAT
The BWTP Network contributed to the first MESA National Network Event in Damascus, Syria on May 31st 2010. The Network event, hosted by Sanabel, the Microfinance Network of Arab Countries, was the first gathering of microfinance networks and associations and other interested stakeholders. This initiative mirrors BWTP Network efforts to promote greater links between national microfinance associations, and dates for the third Asia Network Summit will soon be announced.
Jamie Bedson was in attendance at the Sanabel Microfinance Conference 2010 to act as co-analyst for the Sanabel NCAT for the Citi Network Strengthening Program.

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