Dear Skoll Newsletter Subscriber, We've posted the following stories to the Skoll Foundation Blog over the last two weeks: Final Deadline for Applications for 2011 Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship is August 4, 2010 The Skoll Foundation is looking for new applicants for the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship, our flagship program to invest in leading social entrepreneurs around the globe who are advancing promising solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems. The next and final deadline for applications for the 2011 Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship is Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Following this deadline, we will be making adjustments aimed at streamlining and simplifying our application process. As always, we are looking for social entrepreneurs whose work has the potential for large-scale positive change in the areas of tolerance and human rights, health, environmental sustainability, peace and security, institutional responsibility, and economic and social equity. In addition to alignment with one or more of these issue areas, Skoll Award winners typically exhibit many of the following characteristics: - Led by a visionary, effective social entrepreneur serving as a spokesperson for their issue
- Strong leadership team and board
- Clear mission and implementation model
- Unwavering focus on mission
- Well-established strong partnerships
- Commitment to systems, including for measurement and learning
- Diversified and mission-aligned funding sources
We expect that the selection process will continue to be highly competitive, with 7 to 10 Awards anticipated for the Class of 2011. Click here to learn more. Aflatoun Publishes Annual Research Aflatoun - a children's savings and financial education program founded by Skoll social entreprenuer Jeroo Billimoria, recently published its annual report, Children and Change. The research and evaluation report highlights the impact of Aflatoun's work in 2009. For example: - The Aflatoun program was delivered to over 595,530 children in 4,353 schools and non-formal education centres.
- Children were involved in 976 social enterprises and 4,054 micro-enterprises.
- Of those partners that reported child savings, 49% of children were actively saving, amounting to 276,849 children.
- Children were saving an average of 0.55 euro cents per month.
For a copy of the full report, please click here. Sakena Yacoobi Receives Prestigious Human Rights Award Sakena Yacoobi, founder of the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) and a 2006 Skoll social entrepreneur, recently received the 2010 Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights established to honor the late Jonathan Mann, and to call attention to the vital links between health and human rights. As the first director of the World Health Organization's Special Program on AIDS from 1986-1990, Dr. Mann pioneered the approach to AIDS that continues to shape public health policy today. The Award is bestowed annually on an individual who shows an overwhelming commitment to health and human rights, often at great personal danger. A worthy recipient, Sakena considers access to health care and education as human rights and takes a holistic approach to advancing health and human rights, particularly for women. Growing up in Afghanistan, Sakena saw firsthand the damage that inequity and a lack of education and lack of access to health care can inflict upon women and children. AIL currently serves 350,000 women and children each year in Afghanistan and Pakistan and has provided education, training and health services to over 7.1 million Afghans since 1995. AIL is run by women and operated by women: of its 480 employees, more than 70% are women. Verite Launches Major Report on Human Trafficking, Forced Labor and Slavery Verite announced the launch of a ground-breaking initiative called HELP WANTED: Hiring, Human Trafficking and Slavery in the Global Economy. As part of the HELP WANTED initiative, the organization, headed by 2007 Skoll social entrepreneur Dan Viederman, released a major report from a year-long investigation that illustrated the prevalence of forced labor and human trafficking across multiple sectors and throughout the world, including in the U.S. Verité's HELP WANTED report and website, verite.org/wellmade, offers the key questions needed to be asked by anyone who is connected to migrant workers and global supply chains. A key finding of the research and a focus of the site is the function of labor brokers in supply chains. The presence of labor brokers in the recruitment and hiring of migrant workers signals a heightened risk for forced labor, and whether you are a multinational brand, investor, government or advocacy group, you can play a role in lessening these trends and abuses and incorporating efforts to reduce trafficking and forced labor. Kiva Establishes First Partner in Republic of the Congo The fast growing world of entrepreneurs supported by Kiva recently extended to the Republic of the Congo as HOPE Congo, S.A. became Kiva's first partner in that country. As Kiva explains in a recent blog, they normally develop partnerships with established microfinance organizations. But in the case of HOPE Congo, Kiva, headed by 2008 Skoll social entrepreneurs Matt Flannery and Premal Shah, had already worked with HOPE DRC, just across the Congo River from Brazzaville, for over three years. And, HOPE International, the American NGO that founded both organizations, provided a financial guarantee to protect Kiva lenders' investments in HOPE Congo. HOPE Congo's staff has worked patiently and diligently for two years to overcome the barriers to founding a microfinance institution in this country. With its community-banking methodology, HOPE Congo will not only provide credit services, but encourage the community of entrepreneurs in Brazzaville to come together and support one another. |
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