- New program: SparkHer
- Be informed: FYSE Weekly TidBit
- Chinese Social Entrepreneurs on Twitter
- News from Asia

About FYSE
The Foundation For Youth Social Entrepreneurship (FYSE) inspires the next generation of young Changemakers and invests in, incubates, accelerates and mentors high potential young social entrepreneurs in Asia Pacific to solve our most pressing social and environmental problems and to bring prosperity to the region.
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Mentor a young social entrepreneur in Asia! We want business savvy folks to help grow social entrepreneurs in our fellowship More Info Invest in exceptional young social entrepreneurs in Asia Pacific! Become member of the Paragon Angels Fund, FYSE’s Premier Grantmaking Network. More Info
Paragon Fellow News
Noor Mohammad, Paragon fellow '09 from Pakistan, became runner-up at the World Summit Youth Award 2010, in the 'pursue truth' category with his Venture Panir Times. Pamir Times is a community media initiative operating in Gilgit - Baltistan. http://pamirtimes.net George Bernard Shaw once said "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man [and woman]." One of this Years amazing entrepreneurs at the Unreasonable Institute was Khalida Brohi, Paragon fellow 2009 from Pakistan. Watch her final pitch for her venture PDI! It didn't take Raghu Khanna a second to cancel his admission to LSE and pursue his entrepreneurial dream instead. Irrespective of what people said, Khanna started http://www.cashurdrive.com/ in 2008. Read his story in India Today Magazine CNN reported about UM Healthcare Trust efforts to provide medical relief to victims of the worst ever floods in Pakistan. UM Healthcare Trust was co-founded by Paragon '09 fellow Shamila Keyani. The Himalayan Times published about Paragon'09 Kanchan Jha's continued efforts against drug abuse and illicit farming and trafficking in Nepal.
Shamila Keyani won the mBillion award in the category Health. Her venture Jaroka Tele-Healthcare provides healthcare to the underprivileged in the far flung areas of Pakistan who otherwise wouldn't have access to quality medical treatment.
| FYSE is proud to announce SparkHer, a program for outstanding female social entrepreneurs SparkHer is a six-month entrepreneurial acceleration program that helps young, female social entrepreneurs become part of a powerful support network. Acceptance into the SparkHer program is designed to equip outstanding women with the tools, insights, mentorship and social networks necessary to kickstart and amplify the impact of their social ventures. The inaugural SparkHer program will accept 8 high-potential female entrepreneurs from Beijing/ China.
In addition to the fellowship program FYSE will host public SparkHer events monthly throughout China. Keep an eye out for our Culinary Conversations Dinner series, which will host 12 participants and an incredible business leader for a night of fine food, wine and entrepreneurial insight. Also coming are the Inspiration Roundtable speaker series and additional networking events. Further information will be posted on the FYSE website at: http://www.fyse.org
How can you get involved? Beyond attending our Dinner series and networking events, FYSE is currently looking for senior level executives and entrepreneurs to support young female social entrepreneurs as mentors and trainers. If you are interested to join us or would like to get more information, please email Erin, SparkHer Program Manager at erin@fyse.org
|  Do you want to get to know more social enterprises and social entrepreneurs in Asia and globally? The FYSE Weekly Tidbit is our newest newsletter, each one under a specific topic, and designed to inform you about interesting new social ventures, gamechanging social entrepreneurs and resources about the weekly topic. Previous newsletters highlighted Sports for Social Change and the good old craft of knitting. Remember those old fashion hats, scarfs and sweaters your granny used to make back in the days? Well, they are back now, but so much cooler, stylish and with a social twist. You can easily subscribe to our newsletter and TidBit at http://www.fyse.org and read the latest TidBit at: http://tinyurl.com/2fjsrjo | Chinese Social Entrepreneurs and Enterprises on Twitter Twitter is a great tool to stay connect with your favorite cause, organization or entrepreneur, and the number of Chinese social entrepreneurs and organizations on twitter is ever increasing. Here a few: Organizations @fyse @paragon100 @Handsonshanghai @handsonchengdu @cmc_china @careforchildren @ai_de_amity @asiangiving @FutureChina @wokai @rolandinchina @Give2Asia @huadanchina @allroads @Greennovate @InnovationChina @mini0ne @shokay @cnphilanthropy @51give @qifang @simroberts @longaid @shaofoundation @InnovateCN @xindanwei @chinaenvirolaw @GreenLeapFwd @bilingli @chinadialogue @pgreen27 @marktong @bfinamore @EnvironmentCN @YaleE360 @GreenLeapFwd @GreenerChina @GreenpeaceCN @cdlucky @greennovate @cnphilanthropy @YouChange @bambuhome @JUCCCE @GreenerChina @chinaeducation @Charitarian @venturesindev @TEDxShanghai @51sim @nakedretreats Social Innovators @caseylwilson – Co-Founder @wokai @tomstader – Founder The Library Project @jeffdelkin – Founder @bambuhome @carolchyau – Co-founder @shokay / @venturesindev @QingQingQ – Staff China Social Entrepreneur Foundation @YouChange @calvinwuchin – Founder @qifang @shanezhao – Environmental Activist @leslieforman – Microfinance Analyst @sdfrost61 – Director CSR Asia @rolandinchina – Disaster Relief Shelters.org Founder @theliuyan – Founder @xindanwei @jennygao - Marketing Director @wokai @sustainablejohn – Environmental Activist @Gabsinchina – Executive Director PlanetFinance @jonhursh - Founder @cmc_china @marietkso – Co-founder @shokay / @venturesindev @mingles – Director CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship @danielfoa – Founder @51sim
| News from Asia
Apply now! Atlas Corps – accepting applications from rising social entrepreneurs in Asia and around the world. The Atlas Corps Fellowship Program is placing skilled, nonprofit professionals from Asia in nonprofits in the USA for a 12 to 18 month international exchange. http://www.atlascorps.org/apply.html Calling all social entrepreneurs in China: Submit your proposals for the 2010 Hong Kong Social Investment Forum and win up to HK$50,000 funding. http://bit.ly/aTkfLQ Indian Entrepreneurs can sign up for the 2011 Business World Young Entrepreneur Awards. Founders must be under 35 years of age and the venture must be in operation for 2+ years. http://bit.ly/daKauVGreat list of Twitter Chat Schedules. http://bit.ly/aX5yrk incl. chats #m4change #femsocent #GenYchat #socentchat 20,000 social enterprise in Australia, new report on Australian social enterprise landscape says. Execute summary downloadable at: http://jm.ly/ZIMvDa List of 82 social entrepreneur and social enterprise funding schemes including Acumen Fund, Richard Draper Foundation, Grayhost Ventures, Root Capital and Ignia. http://bit.ly/dldTUx Join Yvonne Li, founder of Avantage Ventures, in a conversation on the rise of Asia Pacific social entrepreneurs - Discussions on Social Edge http://tinyurl.com/2ceroet | | |
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