
轉寄︰ One social investment market. Eight questions. Game on!

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主題︰ One social investment market. Eight questions. Game on!

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btn-newsbtn-featuresbtn-commentbtn-business 29/8/2012

Spurned on by the launch of Big Society Capital, the last year has been one of the busiest in the social investment marketplace.
The hard part – getting more deals done to increase the scale and impact of social enterprises – is yet to come, and there are still tough questions for government, investors and social enterprises to answer. Eight of them in fact, which impact investor James Perry lays out in a thoughtful blog below.
Elsewhere on Livewire, we bring you news of a £600k fund for digital social businesses, a new wave of experts to help you get investment ready and sad news about the further dismantling of the Grameen Bank by the Bangladeshi government. The UK government gives £250m in aid to Bangladesh every year, but has yet done nothing to stop the state-takeover of one the world's most renowned social enterprises. Why not tweet our Minister for Civil Society Nick Hurd and ask why.
Thanks for reading.
(PS don't forget to get your applications in to Social Enterprise UK's awards, which close on Friday!)
The RBS SE100 Index, the UK’s only index designed to track the growth and impact of social enterprises is now open for applications!
To take part in the index, and be in with a chance of sharing the £25,000 prize fund, visit www.se100.net.

Experts big and small line up to give investment readiness advice for £10m fund

The £10m Investment and Contract Readiness Fund has trebled its capacity with the announcement of 12 new approved providers of investment and contract readiness services.

Good Food Guide savours Yorkshire social enterprise

Trailblazing social enterprise Create Leeds cooks up yet another tasty award in its mouth-watering list of achievements.

Moods, love, medicine and ‘MiniMe’ feature in £600k youth digital fund for non-profits

A £600,000 funding programme for charities and social businesses to build digital solutions to help young people look after their mental health has launched this month.

How do #charities and #socents use social media?

In collaboration with Social Misfits Media, Unity Trust Bank is calling on the UK’s small to medium-sized charities and social enterprises to complete a short survey to find out their social media habits.

Premium content from the website


The Business


Inspired video campaign sees social lender bag national award

Unity Trust Bank takes the award for best use of digital media in customer services at the 2012 DigiAwards.

Game on for the social investment octathlon!

James Perry sets out eight big questions to crack this coming year for social investment to succeed.

Social enterprise Patients Know Best chosen by St Marks Hospital

Patients Know Best, the world’s first patient-controlled electronic medical records system, is now working with the gastroenterology team at St Marks Hospital, Harrow to provide patients with online access to their medical records – and improved healthcare management.

An Attack on Grameen Bank, and the Cause of Women

This month, the Grameen Bank, the organisation that won the Nobel Peace Prize for extending small loans to impoverished village women, has come under renewed attack from the government of Bangladesh. Read founder Muhammad Yunus's blog about what has happened here and David Bornstein writing in the New York Times here.


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