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寄件人︰ SEE Change Magazine <info@seechangemagazine.com>
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傳送日期︰ 2012年11月7日 (週三) 12:06 AM
主題︰ News from SEE Change Magazine

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SEE Change...As it happens 
November 2012
Dear Houghton,

While we're busy at work on the December issue of SEE Change Magazine, take a few minutes to see what you may have missed at this year's TEDxToronto event - we have highlights from all the speakers. Plus, advice on how to measure social impact, and a firsthand account of life at the School for Social Entrepreneurs.

Click here for all the latest from SEE Change Magazine

In This Issue
TEDxToronto highlights
From outcomes to impact
SSE-O opens its doors
1% for the Planet

TEDxTorontoEach of the speakers at the October 26th TEDxToronto event has the inspired and inspirational capacity to "bring ordinary elements together to make something extraordinary." This magical process offers up a new way of looking at the world. But these speakers, nay activists, are doing even more. They're providing our communities with infinite possibilities for growth, sustainability...and hope.

Four factors to consider when evaluating outcomes by Stephanie Robertson and Anne Miller

In recent years there has been a shift in the field of program evaluation from activities-based to outcomes-based evaluation practice. While an activities-based evaluation focuses on measuring the outputs of a program (i.e. the number of participants, sessions or trees planted etc.), an outcomes-based evaluation focuses on measuring the change that occurred as a result.

Sam Saad Toronto is a city of plenty. Its present course reminds me of those 1950s commercials about industrial "cities on the go". Voted in the top 10 cities for innovation by Melbourne's 2thinknow Consultancy Firm and the 7th best place to live by the Economist Intelligence Unit, one can understand why the School for Social Entrepreneurs chose Toronto as its inaugural North American home. Opening in August of this year, and welcoming the first cohort of 20 students on September 14th, SSE has found fertile ground in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Social impact app

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