Dear friend,
The Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University today launched Drucker Apps 2.0, a new version of its social-media tool that ties the timeless wisdom of one of the great thinkers and writers of the 20th century to the hottest issues of today.
As with the original version of Drucker Apps, this new version springs off the writing of Peter F. Drucker, the father of modern management. But Drucker Apps 2.0 has been designed to foster an ongoing conversation about bettering society through effective management and responsible leadership.
“Rather than just transmit information, we hope to spark a dialogue among those who understand that the way organizations are run greatly affects the health of society,” said Phalana Tiller, the Drucker Institute𠏋 communications manager. “Our ultimate goal is to have Drucker Apps become a forum that’s so lively and inspiring, people will take the ideas generated there and act upon them. We want to drive behavior change.”
The first topic taken up by Drucker Apps 2.0 is whether setting common standards for public schools is wise. Taking part in the running dialogue around this topic—one of the hottest debates now raging in the field of education—will be Dave Levin, co-founder of the national charter school network KIPP; former Intel CEO Craig Barrett, co-chair of Achieve, a nonprofit, bipartisan education reform organization; and others.
To weigh in, please visit: apps.druckerinstitute.com.

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