Schumpeter Comes to Whitehall
July 2010
Read our hard-hitting report looking at the idea, first put forward by economist Joseph Schumpeter over 70 years ago, that cuts in public services can lead to increased innovation
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Age Unlimited Scotland
We've supported 15 novice social innovators from Scotland in their 50s and 60s who have come forward with good ideas for improving the lives of people in their later years.
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Small is beautiful
July 2010
In this pamphlet we profile ten innovative local projects led by frontline staff and service teams in local government.
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Venture Capital
July 2010
This report examines how high growth, innovative companies are disproportionately important for economic growth in the UK.
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idiscover Highlands and Islands will launch in Scottish schools in early September. We'll be working in four rural schools to test our learning model which supports young people to develop the skills and attributes they will need in an innovation-driven society.
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