ECSEL Scholarship Program - The 2010 Delegation
Bangwei Yao
Master of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Idea: Stop the spread of the water hyacinth through a biological inhibitor
Chen Zhuo
Bachelor of Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Idea: Develop a low-cost heart monitoring system
Cheng Ying Kai
Bachelor of Business Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Idea: Create fertilizer out of urban food waste
He Kelly
MBA, Cheung Kong Graduate Business School
Idea: Provide low-cost health care for rural poor through health camps
Hu Po
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Peking University
Idea: Develop a health beverage based on traditional Chinese medicine
Huang Haichen
MBA, China Europe International Business School
Idea: Create an industrial design company that focuses on Building-Integrated Photovoltaics
Jah Ying Chung
Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Hong Kong
Idea: Improve diet and provide employment for urban immigrants through “Kitchen on Wheels”
Jiang Johnny
MBA, China Europe International Business School
Idea: Provide business insurance to rural family enterprises
Jingqi Zhang
Dual Bachelors in Economics and English Language, Nankai University
Idea: Mass produce a walking aide for polio victims developed by a polio victim
Ju Xiaozhou
Bachelor of Economics, Peking University. Accepted to Harvard Business School
Idea: Develop improved biogas energy systems
Jun Wang
Masters of Finance Engineering, Xiamen University
Idea: Manufacture a device that creates energy from automotive waste heat
Kuang Jing
Bachelors of Economics, Peking University
Idea: Develop a web platform for recycling electronics and electrical appliances
Lee Ka Lun
Masters of Law, University of Hong Kong
Idea: Create an enterprise selling fair trade kiwifruit from Sichuan Province
Lee Kaya
Bachelors, Fudan University, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art
Idea: Start a design association that creates products for low income people
Li Jingyi
Bachelor of Business Administration, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Idea: Popularize an organic alternative to industrial clothing dyes
Li Min
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Management, Zhejiang University
Idea: Develop an online education platform for computer-aided design
Ng Mai Mai
Bachelor of Business Administration, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Idea: Provide a “green roofing” service to Hong Kong
Shuai Zhang
Bachelors of Finance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Idea: Create vending machines that promote recycling
Tang Ching Yan
Bachelor of Business Administration, The University of Hong Kong
Idea: Provide online retail training to urban handicraftsmen
Wang Dan
MBA, Tsinghua University
Idea: Develop an environmentally-conscious clothing brand
Wenjun Wang
Bachelor of Marketing, Renmin University of China
Idea: Provide business and market information to rural citrus farmers
Xia Xiaozhong
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Management, Zhejiang University
Idea: Develop an improved wastewater treatment technology
Xiao Tingwu
Bachelor of Management in Public Administration, Fudan University
Idea: Train urban immigrants as nursing aides for the elderly
Yang Ruoyun
Management Science, Renmin University Business School
Idea: Create a “School of Redesign” to provide design training to disadvantaged artists
Zhang Min
MBA, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Idea: Develop a consulting firm for bio-energy systems
Zhang Yuan
MBA, HSBC Business School, Peking University
Idea: Provide peer-to-peer loan assistance to rural handicraftsmen
Zhao Kevin
Bachelors of International Trade and Business, University of International Business and Economics
Idea: Provide handicraft technology to AIDS patients in Henan Province
Zhao Shane
Bachelors, Franklin and Marshall College
Idea: Create a social innovative center for China modeled on the HUB in London and San Francisco
Zheng Shuai
Bachelor of Business Management, Beijing Normal University
Idea: Create a social enterprise incubator for undergraduates
Zhou Yingke
Bachelor, Zhejiang University
Idea: Promote sustainable development through waste reduction
Zhu Lun
Bachelor of Economics, Shanghai International Studies University
Idea: Create a student transportation service to help unregistered taxi drivers become registered
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