Dear Skoll Newsletter Subscriber, We've posted the following stories to the Skoll Foundation Blog over the last two weeks: Microfinance in Pakistan Roshaneh Zafar, a 2006 Skoll social entrepreneur and the founder of the Kashf Foundation, provides a great overview of the microfinance market in Pakistan in this video interview. It includes a discussion of the factors behind Kashf's decision to become a deposit taking institution. Ashoka-Lemelson "Tech4Society" - Day 1 Skoll Foundation program officer Lakshmi Karan reports from a gathering of social entrepreneurs at the Indian Business School in the heart of HITECH city in Hyderabad. Skoll Awardee Albina Ruiz of Ciudad Saludable was among several panelists discussing the journey from technological innovation, to design, to production, to distribution. The post includes readouts of panels on scaling and on the growing cooperation between the commercial and social sectors. Riders for Health Kicks Off BBC Series on Social Entreprenuers The first in an series on social entrepreneurs on BBC Worlds News, Alvin's Guide to Good Business, is now available online. This initial episode features Riders for Health, led by Andrea and Barry Coleman, 2006 Skoll social entrepreneurs. Riders for Health uses an innovative motorcycle-based transportation system for health care delivery in Africa. You can also read more about Riders on the BBC website here and get some thoughts from series host Alvin Hall about the social entrepreneurs he met here. New BBC World News Series on Social Entrepreneurs BBC World News launched this last weekend an 8-part series on social entrepreneurs around the globe. Alvin's Guide to Good Business follows financial expert Alvin Hall as he visits a different social entrepreneur each week. He'll look at business models, impact, and the challenges of scaling. Featured organizations include Riders for Health, IDE-India, Marine Stewardship Council, Apopo, Partners in Health, Friends International, Camfed and Kiva. The Skoll Foundation partnered with RockhopperTV on the series. Global Zero Summit Aims at Eliminating Nuclear Weapons This post provides a readout of the Global Zero Summit in Paris. The new Skoll Global Threats Fund supports Ploughshares, an organization that works for peace and security worldwide and was a sponsor of the Global Zero Summit. Global Zero is pushing for the elimination of all nuclear weapons based on a multi-stage, multi-year plan that all the world's nuclear powers would embrace. You can read about the basic approach here. The Summit also screened "Countdown to Zero," a film by Academy Award winning producer Lawrence Bender about eliminating nuclear weapons that debuted at Sundance in January (Transparency Statement: "Countdown to Zero" is a film by Participant Media, founded by Jeff Skoll). Philanthropic Leadership in Uncertain Times Skoll Foundation program officer Dan Crisafulli reports from a national conference on the future of philanthropy hosted by USC's Center on Philanthropy & Public Policy. Per Dan, "The main cause for hope that kept popping up in a range of sessions was the possibility of renewal through social innovation. Social entrepreneurs were cited by speakers in many sessions, including one helpful suggestion that Kiva was the "gateway drug to social investing": once you try it you can't quit! The well-attended panel on social entrepreneurship gave the audience a chance to reflect on what it takes to build social innovations to scale." |
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