Social Enterprise Coalition activity  Get ready for Social Enterprise Day! To mark Social Enterprise Day on Thursday 18 November 2010, which takes place during Global Entrepreneurship Week, businesses, organisations and individuals in the sector are being encouraged to take part in the ‘It’s time to meet your local social enterprise’ campaign. The activity, this year co-ordinated by the Social Enterprise Coalition, seeks to raise awareness of social enterprise in communities up and down the country, as well as build support for the movement among key audiences including the general public, politicians, business leaders and voluntary sector organisations. Social enterprises are being encouraged to open their doors, hold events and seek meetings with key influencers and decision makers in their communities. The Social Enterprise Coalition has produced a free pack for social enterprises and entrepreneurs, available to download from www.socialenterprise.org.uk. It contains practical advice on how to plan an event and work with the media, as well as template materials.  Show your support for the Social Enterprise Bill A new piece of legislation which should make it make it easier for social enterprises to deliver public services gets it's first debate on Friday 19 November. In July 2010, Chris White MP (Conservative Member for Warwick and Leamington) tabled a Private Members' Bill titled "Public Services (Social Enterprise and Social Value)". In order to continue its passage through Parliament the bill needs to win the support of 100 MPs at the first debate. The Coalition is advising Chris White MP's team on the content of the bill but now we want to get social enterprises involved to show their support for the proposal. We have produced a free pack for social enterprises and entrepreneurs available to download from www.socialenterprise.org.uk. It contains practical advice and templates to help you lobby your local MP and raise awareness of the Social Enterprise Bill.  New blog post from Peter Holbrook The Coalition’s CEO, Peter Holbrook, has been blogging again this week. His latest post looks at the opportunities open to charities should they choose to respond to drops in donations and cuts to grants by becoming more socially enterprising. “It’s the front line, the beneficiary-led and community-owned organisations that need to be protected and protected fast. The government’s £100million transition funding is all well and good but what we really need is an enterprise fund for small and medium-sized charities that can be supported to find their socially entrepreneurial inner-selves. They need support from their social enterprise peers to find new ways to generate income and profit while achieving their social and environmental purpose along the way. Social firms have become pretty damn independent precisely because the state was never smart enough to understand their true value; development trusts where possible have acquired assets that should enable some sustainability over these austere times; Co ops that frequently trade in consumer markets will surely survive the challenges as the Co-operative Group and the John Lewis partnership have shown through the recession.” To read the full post, visit Peter’s blog.  Shortlist revealed in national photography competition for social enterprise
The shortlisted entries to the 'Social Vision: business at its best' photography competition have been revealed. The competition recieved an overwhelming number of entries from social enterprises across the UK and after careful deliberation the initial shortlisting is now complete. You can find out which social enterprises are in the running here. Now in its third year, the photography competition is for the first time being jointly run by Triodos Bank and the Social Enterprise Coalition in association with Social Enterprise Magazine and the regional social enterprise networks of England. The judges are currently reviewing the shortlist and will select a winner from each region and nation to be announced on Social Enterprise Day, Thursday 18 November 2010. The winners from each region and nation will then go through to the final round. The overall winner will be selected by a poll vote which will open on Friday 19 November with the winner announced at an event on Tuesday 30 November, in London.  News  Big Society strategy for charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises A strategy to support charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises was unveiled by Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society last week (14 October). Speaking to civil society representatives at the National Council of Voluntary Organisation’s head quarters in London, the Minister also announced he would consult on how best to improve the infrastructure that provides advice, training and funding to front line groups. Plans in the strategy include: - reducing red tape for small organisations
- giving public sector staff the right to spin-out and form a co-ops or mutual supported by a new network of advice and mentoring
- give local communities the right to buy or bid to run community assets
- continue to match fund local endowments to encourage giving
- modernisation of public service commissioning so the most efficient and effective charities can get a fair chance to bid for public contracts.
Download the strategy from the Cabinet Office website. Social Enterprise West Midlands unveils new ambassadors for social enterprise Social Enterprise in the West Midlands (SEWM) should receive a profile boost in the coming months thanks to a new initiative to raise awareness of the movement in key organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce and JobCentre Plus. Employees of both these organisations and others have been recruited to learn more about social enterprise allowing them to act as advocates for the movement within their own organisations. The scheme is being managed by Social Enterprise West Midlands, the regional social enterprise network for the area. Melanie Mills, Business Services Assessor at SEWM, said “There has never been a better time for social enterprise to build on its recent growth and we believe the region is in a great position to do so and tap into the Government’s desire to embrace the ‘big society’.”  Consultations 
Liberating the NHS: Greater choice and control - a consultation on proposals The Department of Health is consulting on proposals to give patients and service users greater choice and control over their care. The proposals envisage a presumption of choice and greater patient involvement in decision-making. Proposals include choice of any willing provider, where to go for diagnostic tests, which treatment, and more. This consultation explains the proposals in more details and seeks the views of patients, the wider public, healthcare professionals and the NHS. The consultation closes on 14 January 2011. For more information visit the Department of Health website.  Events
 The Guardian Social Enterprise Summit 2010: The key to Big Society? 16 November 2010 London Scaling up social enterprises to deliver public services. After a sell-out event last year, the Guardian is proud to announce the launch of the Social Enterprise Summit 2010. The event will focus on how social enterprises can deliver public services, giving practical business advice and examples of best practice from across the country. For more information and to register your place, visit guardian.co.uk/socialenterprise.  Good Deals 2010 15 and 16 November London Good Deals 2010 is the third annual UK social investment conference held in association with both National Ethical Investment Week and Global Entrepreneurship Week. Taking place over two days the conference will feature speakers from the worlds of mainstream investment and corporate business, as well as looking at leading examples of innovation in social investment from around Europe. Confirmed speakers include: - Sir Ronald Cohen, chairman of the Portland Trust, the Social Investment Task Force and the Commission on Unclaimed Assets
- Colin Grassie, UK CEO at Deutsche Bank
- Mike Barry, head of sustainable business at Marks & Spencers
- Liam Black, co-founder of Wavelength
- Antony Ross, executive director at Bridges Ventures
- Caroline Mason, COO of Investing for Good and Charity Bank
For more information and to book your place visit the Good Deals website.
 Footsey 2010 2 December Doncaster The ninth annual Footsey trade fair is the key fixture for the social economy in Yorkshire and the Humber. The event acts as a showcase for social enterprises to promote themselves and for buyers to procure their services and products. Whether you're a new or existing social enterprise or a potential customer of the social economy, Footsey can help you to meet the people you need to speak to! For more information on attending or exhibiting, visit the Footsey website.
 South East Coastal Communities Conference; Impact and Innovation 19 November Portsmouth South Coast Moneyline, working with the University of Portsmouth, are delivering a one-day conference in November to provide an opportunity for national and local social enterprises to discuss key findings from the three-year funded South East Coastal Communities project. The conference will include the presentation of a local report on the economic impact of social enterprises and the potential for collaboration between higher education and social enterprises. Confirmed speakers include: - Rt. Hon David Willetts MP
- Nigel Kershaw OBE, Chief Executive of Big Issue Invest and Chairman of the Big Issue Company
This is a free event but places are limited and must be booked in advance. For more information or to book a place contact Kim Higgs at kim.higgs@scmoneyline.org.uk or 02392 826180. www.scmoneyline.org.uk Alison Chesney and Eddie Killoran Memorial Lecture - "Harm Reduction: the Advocacy of Science and the Science of Advocacy" 17 November London The Conference Consortium has established an annual public memorial lecture in memory of Alison Chesney and Eddie Killoran, both well known and respected practitioners in the drugs field in the UK over many years. For the inaugural lecture, Professor Gerry Stimson, former Director of International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA) and honorary professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will deliver an address entitled: "Harm Reduction: the Advocacy of Science and the Science of Advocacy". Professor Stimson will map the evidence in support of harm reduction as well as consider the growing evidence-base in support of harm reduction advocacy approaches. Entry to the lecture is free but numbers are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. For more information and to book a place, please contact Michelle Vatin, michelle@conferenceconsortium.org  Resources  CAN Mezzanine launches great new offer exclusively to social enterprises & charities Rent now, Move in, Pay later: 3 months’ rent free - This offer is for a limited period and expires on 31st December 2010, so if your organisation is looking for space, contact us quickly and arrange a viewing. Call Gary on 020 7250 8047 or visit www.canmezzanine.org.uk/offer
- When arranging a viewing please quote : SEC CAN Member offer (by phone) or select the SEC member offer drop down option on CAN’s web site (on-line enquiry form).
- Offer applies to new customers only, signing a 15 month license agreement before 31st December 2010.
SECURE your place today! BOOK a tour “We want more social enterprises and charities to experience the many benefits that our existing customers enjoy,” says Gary Phillips, head of sales at CAN Mezzanine. “We know it’s a tough time in the sector, and we are confident that organisations can really benefit financially from this offer of move now, pay later. They can also as reap the rewards of living with like-minded social enterprises and charities.” - Recent research of our CAN Mezzanine customers has shown that: 92% network together, 69% socialise together, 61% have collaborated together and 41% are working together, something that is very hard to create in other office environments.
- CAN Mezzanine provides fully serviced office space, exclusively for social enterprises and charities and has over 110 organisations based in its three central London sites.
- CAN Mezzanine offers a unique community environment for organisations to be based in and sizes range from single desk organisations to larger organisations of 20+.
- CAN is a registered charity that operates as a social enterprise and was awarded the Social Enterprise Mark in July 2010.
 Member profile  VIDI Media VIDI Media provides prime outdoor advertising to promote and invest in the local community and charitable programmes. As a social enterprise VIDI Media works in collaboration with local councils, conscious property owners and local charities, to ensure that the profits generated can be used to support local communities. ‘Business with the community at heart; profitability with philanthropy in mind.’ www.vidi-media.com  Jobs Advertise your social enterprise job here! Advertise and search for jobs on the number one social enterprise job page. Social Enterprise Coalition members get great deals on advertising rates and it's easy to get your job uploaded to allow you to focus on running your business. For more information email James Yabut at james.yabut@socialenterprise.org.uk or visit our job page.  Back to the top |