Tremendous Growth & Movement! God is expanding our reach and influence every day. To all our new subscribers, welcome! We are experiencing tremendous growth thanks to our many new volunteers, whose stories are featured below. If you enjoy this newsletter, stay in touch with us daily via Facebook and Twitter. Pray for an Entrepreneur by Name  Michelle, a gifted encourager, started helping the Center several months ago by calling graduates of the BDC and praying for the young entrepreneurs by name. Testimonies such as “After you prayed, I felt like I just woke up!” and “I am so thankful to our Lord to have talked to me through you!” started flooding in. Moreover, the experience has been very enriching for Michelle: I feel like I’m talking with people I’ve known all my life. It’s just such an awesome blessing. It feels like I’m at home. It’s really a blessing, a two-way street. We know we have a life purpose, and I was God-sent here. I couldn’t have had a paid job that made me feel better! The Regent Center for Entrepreneurship has made immense progress in Rwanda by training more than 150 entrepreneurs who are now on a journey to transform their nation through their businesses! RCE understands the need for prayer and encouragement for these entrepreneurs as S.D. Gordon aptly put “Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces.” Come and join Michelle and others who understand the power of prayer in this rewarding opportunity by being an encourager to a specific entrepreneur. Once you sign up, you will receive a free monthly prayer guide. All you have to do is pray for the entrepreneur by name for one month and watch the mighty difference it makes in their lives! Sign up today! Volunteer Consulants Meet Their Entrepreneurs Virtually On March 1, six Rwandan entrepreneurs met the six Volunteer Consultants who committed to mentoring them in their lives and businesses for the next 3 months. No one needed a passport, though. The new RCE Volunteer Consultant program uses virtual mentoring, via Skype and email.  The entrepreneurs are already impacting the Rwandan economy in several different busines sectors, but with the mentorship, coaching, encouragement, and consultation of their Volunteer Consultants, these entrepreneurs are aimed for even greater influence. What an amazing way to impact a nation without the need to travel there! If this opportunity tugs at your heart-strings, and if you would like to share your wealth of knowledge and experience to make a global difference, this is your time. Apply today to be matched with an entrepreneur of your own. Kingdom Research Fellows Take Shape The Kingdom Research Fellows are marching forward! With bi-monthly brainstorming sessions and close communication with teammates, the Fellows have detected critical areas in kingdom business research that will be beneficial for entrepreneurs and anyone with a heart for Business as Missions.  Right now, the focus of the RCE staff is to create a foundation of currentinformation and resources for the Fellows to use for their deeper research. Take a look at the topics below and see if you know of any information or materials that would be helpful for the Fellows with their research. If you do, please email Hanisha Besant, RCE graduate assistant and Kingdom Research Fellow program manager. The specific topic areas our Fellows are interested in are: - City Transformation in Norfolk
- The Future of HRD in West Africa
- Multiple Bottom Line/ Kingdom Performance Measures in Healthcare Nutrition and Food Service Patient Satisfaction and Sustainability.
- BAM in Liberia
- Comparing the economic and cultural environment of Haiti and Dominican Republic
- Challenges in Kingdom Business in India
- Entrepreneurship Training with a BAM focus
- Trust - The Key to Cross-Cultural Marketplace Evangelism
- 7 mountains of culture: Current Need in Leadership
Wealth and Generosity RCE has been involved in helping birth several initiatives in the HamptonRoads area, namely the Christian Business Chamber of Hampton Roads (CBC) and a strategic relationship with the National Christian Foundation through an entity we helped form called EnVest Global. The CBC invited Henry Kaestner, a Kingdom entrepreneur based out of Durham, NC who co-founded, tocome and speak on the power of generosity through Kingdom business. Henry helped the CBC launch a new montly E-Venture luncheon in Norfolk on February 21st. Over 100 Christian business owners and leaders were exposed to how they can leverage the tools and benefits the National ChristianFoundation provides to fund Kingdom projects around the worldby establishing donor-advised funds andbusiness foundations that maximize tax savings, unleashing Kingdom resources at an unprecedented pace.  Dr. Mulford, Henry Kaestner, and Tom Stansbury have been jointly working to further a new Kingdom Impact Investing movement helping to fund Kingdom businesses in developing nations. Henry and his team have launched a new initiative called the Sovereign's Wealth Fund, a non-profit organization that utilizes charitably minded investors to fund the growth and expansion of Kingdom businesses. EnVest Global helped fund $5,000 towards a start-up that is being launched in Kigali, Rwanda by one of our BDC graduates. We will keep you posted as these initiatives continue to unfold. If you have any questions about the National Christian Foundation or the Christian Business Chamber, or these new innovative ways to charitably fund Kingdom businesses, you can contact Tom Stansbury, RCE Entrepreneur-in-Residence. RCE covets your prayers for the following areas: Volunteer Consultants: God is showing incredible favor in this program, but we are continuing to ask for prayer that the right men and women will volunteer and that we will be wise to match them well. Graduation: Our fourth cohort of entrepreneurs graduate in 4 short weeks. Pray for endurance to finish well and success after graduation! Students: In just over a month, 16 Regent University students will gather in Kigali, Rwanda as the culminating time for their class. Pray for safe travels and life-changing experiences. Peter: Peter, a friend of the Center, is fighting an infection. Please pray for his quick and total healing. Regent Students are Off to Africa Trained to make a difference, sixteen young leaders from different schools at Regent University are off to impact Rwanda this May. The students have all planned projects as a part of a new course being offered this year by RCE- International Holistic Development.  Since the students come from a variety of schools - including the School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship, the School of Psychology, The School of Government, the School of Divinity, and the Undergraduate School - their projects come in a variety of shapes and sizes, such as helping BDC graduates develop growth and sustainability plans, giving seminars on leadership and technology for major Rwandan companies, and working with Solace Ministries doing community development and counseling with widows and orphans who are genocide survivors. In between their appointments, the students will get a glimpse into Rwanda's culture by visiting some cultural landmarks, the National Museum & University, the Genocide Memorial, and even an African safari to get a glimpse into Rwanda’s rich wildlife. Please keep the students and their work in your prayers. We will have many videos and pictures to share when they return! If you would be interested in sponsoring students financially to help with the costs of the trip, please contact Brittany Hoffman at Brittany Hoffman, Communications Specialist for RCE, recently went to Colombia to teach a 3-day seminar on the Foundations and Patterns of Biblical Entrepreneurship. This was the first of four instructional modules taught through a partnership of Regent University and VisioNet. In addition to providing the foundations for entrepreneurship and what the Bible has to say about business, this module also provided an opportunity for participants to consider their life purpose. At the end of the module, students shared their personal life-purpose statements which included: - Be like Christ
 - Serve and Grow with Others in Opportunities
- Live and Enjoy what God has Given
- To Live Without Worries and Not Be Frustrated as Time Goes By
- Tool of God, Light to Personal, Family, Business, and National Finances
- Bridge People and Opportunities
- Give My Time to the Lord, Serving the Things I Can, Because I was Born to Obey
- See, I have made him a witness to the peoples, a ruler and commander of the peoples. Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you, because of the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor. (Isaiah 55:4-5)
While she was there, she met with folks from CUDES, the first Christian university in Colombia to discuss how RCE can walk alongside their Center for Entrepreneurship in the future. God was faithful in every single detail! To read more about Brittany's experiences, check out her blog posts here. | | |