................................................................... A toolkit for community centres, as the result of a collaboration with AmicusHorizon Red Ochre has worked closely with the Housing Association AmicusHorizon to develop a toolkit for residents-led community centres to help them become more enterprising. The collaboration between RO and AmicusHorizon started in October 2011, when we worked directly with one community centre to understand better their challenges and to co- develop a business plan. Key stakes and learning of this project have been captured through this toolkit, which will now be shared with the other community centres supported by AmicusHorizon. The toolkit will be published in the coming months. In the meantime, if you’d like to know more about this initiative and the toolkit itself, contact Uday uday@redochre.org.uk or Anne-Helene anne@redochre.org.uk. ................................................................... Third Sector Excellence Awards  Photo of Uday with the other judges Uday Thakkar was a Judge on the panel for Charity Trading, Financial Management, Social Enterprise, Best Employer and Volunteer of the Year for Third Sectors Excellence Awards. For more information please click here. ................................................................... Local authorities, Social enterprise, mutuals, spin outs and outsourcing – A free event for Councillors and Senior Managers of Local Authorities Amnick is offering a second event on social enterprise and local authorities on July the 7th at 2 p.m. The presentation and discussion on the same subject in March as part of Amnick’s “Share & Support” campaign was so heavily subscribed to that it was run twice. For those that were unable to attend then or for those seeking to learn more – this is an event not to be missed. The session led by Uday Thakkar on 7th July will focus on Social Enterprises; What are they? How are they structured? Can and should local authorities help establish them? Why and how should local authorities consider outsourcing to them? What are the benefits? What are the challenges? Please contact John David at Amnick to register for the event: johndavid@amnick.com Event details: Date: Thursday 7th July at 2pm - 4:30pm Venue: Amnick Social Enterprise, Harrow College, Middlesex, HA1 3AQ ................................................................... Upcoming Red Ochre training Introduction to social enterprise & legal structures What is Social Enterprise? How do you become a social entrepreneur? Have you got what it takes? If you are starting to establish a Social Enterprise and are looking for a clear understanding of the concept, this workshop is for you. Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre will help you explore the practicalities of starting a social enterprise, and learn about the social entrepreneur's journey with a forward looking prospective. You will acquire an understanding of the different legal structures available to social enterprise and become familiar with the management, governance and funding aspects of each. Places are limited! Do NOT miss out and book your place! Price: £50 Inc VAT Date: Monday 11th July 2011 Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre To book please contact anna@redochre.org.uk ................................................................... Getting to grips with numbers Success for any organisation requires that you can raise and manage finance well. Many brilliant ideas fail because the managers of the project or enterprise are scared of numbers or ignore financial management. This workshop has been specifically designed for social entrepreneurs but applies equally to anyone looking at income diversification or even starting a commercial business. The workshop is practical and will use examples and case studies and encourages active participation. We will look at: - Why you need funding - The different types of funding and finance available - Finance is a management tool don’t let the numbers scare you - Understanding budgets - Understanding cashflow - A peek at accounts - How all this ties in with starting and growing enterprises - Making the best case to access funding and finance - A successful future The workshop will be presented by Uday Thakkar. Uday is a chartered accountant by training. A typical comment for his finance workshops came from a newly promoted chief executive of a social enterprise “I have lived in fear of accounts, finance and numbers. I know I have to get to grips with numbers if I am going to succeed as a manager. I didn’t realise finance could be fun and that really it is all about using finance as a tool for better management”. Places are limited! Do NOT miss out and book your place! Price: £80 Inc VAT Date: Tuesday 26th July 2011 Venue: CAN Mezzanine, 49-51 East Road, London, N1 6AH Please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk to book your place. | ......................................................... Red Ochre client news: People in control is an innovative new social enterprise specialising in user led training and consultancy on learning disability, that Red Ochre has supported in its initial stages through the Ready to Grow programme. Don’t miss out on their launch event on 28th July , 3 – 6pm at City University. The event will showcase the importance of user led services & user involvement to any organisation. For more information contact Saboohi: Saboohi@advocacyproject.org.uk or click here for the flyer. Hermione Taylor founder of Donation, a client of Red Ochre, has written an interesting article on legal structures. Please click here. Aneeta Prem from Freedom Charity has wrote a book to help teenagers spot when a friend is being forced to marry against their will. For more information, please click here for an article in the Evening Standard. ......................................................... Follow us on Twitter: ......................................................... SmartResources SmartResources supported by Red Ochre, a free resource centre for the Third Sector. ......................................................... | Other News & Events Job opportunity: PA & Office Manager (p/t) at CAN Please click here for the job description and send your C.V. and a cover letter, stating why you would like to work for CAN, for the attention of Leah Cook to: l.cook@can-online.org.uk PJs Community Services PJ's Community Service is a Social Enterprise which delivers essential services to the community. From the 1st July for 3 months, they have a volunteering opportunity. Volunteering as a Support Assistant you will join their team to provide innovative services. For further details please call Joanna on 020 8239 6911 or download the application here. Wanted: Exceptional people with great ideas Islington Giving can get you up to £5,000 to make this happen. Please click here for further details. Office space at LGiU Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) have spare office space for 2 years. They will rent it out for £10 per desk per day and they want to target social enterprises. If you are interested please contact Andy Johnston, Director Andrew.Johnston @lgiu.org.uk Hempsons Trustee training workshops Free trustee training workshops will be of interest to all Trustee seeking to demonstrate their compliance with the requirement under SORP to receive induction and ongoing training. For more information please click here. Business advice clinics - 6th July Looking for impartial business advice? Then attend the highly rated LBSS Business advice clinic. This is a great opportunity for you to discuss for one hour your business at a confidential, one-to-one meeting with an experienced advisor. For more information please click here. Wordpress crash course - 6th July Need a new website? Why pay a tonne of money to build your website when you can build your own for under £100. If you go on the Wordpress crash course on the 6th July you walk away with your own website and the tools to take it further. Please click here for more information. Living Medicine at the Urban Physic Garden - June & August 2011 Living Medicine is running a series of herbwalks and workshops in Southwark. The events will take place at Urban Physic Garden, 100 Union Street, Southwark, SE1 0NL between Thursday 16th June and Thursday 11th August. For more information e-mail info@livingmedicine.org | |