| d.light's Fifth Anniversary May 31, 2012 | | | An amazing five years of growth, change, challenge, adventure and accolades were recently celebrated at the d.light offices around the world. Over 7 million people are enjoying d.light lights in 40 countries around the world with plans for millions more over the next several years. Sales growth in just the last year from May 2011 to the same period in 2012 has been 400%! | | | | | d.light Sponsors "Life Without Light" Exhibit at Rio +20 | | d.light is a proud sponsor of photographer Peter DiCampo's award winning international multimedia exhibit http://lifewithoutlights.com/#/brasil-2012, which explores issues of energy poverty and energy access worldwide. The exhibit will be at Rio +20 at the Museu da Republica from June 14 to Sept. 23, 2012. Photographed entirely at night, DiCampo's work takes viewers from rural Ghana's off-grid villages to poor suburban English households where people cannot afford their energy bills and several stops in-between. Lack of access to reliable, safe, affordable lighting is a key factor in the social and economic impact of so-called "energy poverty." Addressing this specific deficit can significantly reverse the situation to bring people out of poverty. In our comfortable, "flip a switch" urban lives, it is easy to forget that 1.3 billion people - nearly a quarter of humanity - live without access to electricity (International Energy Agency - 2010). We are excited that this year, the UN has launched an initiative called Sustainable Energy for All, which aims to bring this issue to the forefront and make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030. At d.light, we believe this represents a significant turning point in worldwide awareness and action, for which we remain committed to having a prominent role. Facebook Reminder: LIKE us! | | | | |  | To receive more frequent updates on the latest news from d.light, please sign up to LIKE our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/dlightdesigninc Once signed up, you'll be part of the d.light community of followers. We'll be updating Facebook with stories and news clips several times a week so you'll be assured of the most current news as we continue to grow. Durability is Key to d.light Products Proximity, our partner in Myanmar, recently created a video that demonstrates the incredible durability of our d.light products. Watch a motorcycle drive over the S1; the S10 submerged in water; and the S250 dropped like a falling coconut from high in a palm tree. Yes, all three d.light products keep beaming their bright light. Some viewers may be equally impressed by the skill at which the S250 carrier shimmies up the palm tree, band around his ankles. | | Kopernik and d.light Micro-Franchise Project for Kenyan Girls | Kenya has a population of almost 40 million people, of which over 85% do not have electricity. They spend a significant portion of their annual income on kerosene, which is their main lighting source. The dangers of kerosene lighting are well known. At d.light, we're partnering with Kopernik on a pilot project to train 24 young Kenyan girls between the ages of 17 and 19 to manage their own d.light micro franchise businesses in the urban slums of Nairobi. Our partnership with Kopernik will provide a path out of poverty for these girls, empowering them to reinvest in their families and become independent entrepreneurs in their own right. In addition, it will address a major safety issue in an environment where fear of sexual violence is a nightly concern. We anticipate that sales over 12 months will benefit close to 35,000 people with the program reaching full sustainability within 18 months of launch. However, funds are needed to kickstart this valuable project. We hope you will join Kopernik's supporters and many others by donating here. | Nairobi Slum Students Receive a Ray of Light At the Gatoto Primary School in the Nairobi slum, d.light solar lanterns are making study possible for a population of almost 1,000 students, a fact that more privileged students take for granted. With the help of Sollatek, d.light's distribution partner, and the Feltonfleet School in England, solar lanterns were donated to the school. Children can study on site in the early morning or in the evening rather than in their homes with d.light lanterns safe, clean light. In addition to the lanterns, d.light brought in a professional storyteller to reinforce reading as a fun, recreational activity to do at night after Gatoto students have finished their studies. Check out this video, which illuminates the valuable resource our lights are providing. | New Arrival Spring is a time of new life, new growth and new energy. All of these elements have come together in the d.light community.  Join us in wishing hearty congratulations to President Ned Tozun and his wife, Dorcas, on the arrival of their son, Jonah Sau-Yi Tozun. The delightful new addition was born on May 17th, bursting onboard at a hearty 8 lbs. 10 oz. The family is bonding and recovering from the long labor. Jonah is doing his best to train Mom and Dad to a three-hour sleep regimen. | |  | | |