"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?--- 2009年9月23日 星期三,NESTA <bulletin@enews.nesta.org.uk> 寫道﹕
寄件人: NESTA <bulletin@enews.nesta.org.uk> 主題: Issue 75: Encouraging growth in UK creative sectors 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2009年9月23日,星期三,下午8:15 | Issue 75: Encouraging growth in UK creative sectors |  |  |  | 4000 reasons to apply for Creative Credits | Innovation in the designer fashion sector | Launch your own successful creative business | We're inviting Manchester-based small businesses to apply for 'Creative Credits' worth £4,000. These can be used to purchase services from a local creative firm. All we ask is an investment of at least £1,000 and we'll top it up with £4,000. Learn how you can apply. | Fashion designers and manufacturers will benefit from a new NESTA programme, designed to encourage stronger collaboration between the two. We're now looking for partners to help us deliver the programme. | Download our Enterprise Toolkit - a collection of activities, workbooks, case studies and tutor support notes for creative individuals thinking of setting up a business. The toolkit is based on our tried and tested approaches to teaching enterprise skills to individuals on our Starter for 6 programme. | News |  | Manchester's journey to growth and recovery Manchester's thriving creative sector holds the key to realising the city's ambitions of becoming an internationally renowned city of innovation, according to our latest report. |
|  | Growing social enterprises in the UK We're contributing a cornerstone investment of £1 million to Big Issue Invest's £10 million Social Enterprise Investment Fund to create capital for growing UK-based social enterprises. |
| | The rise of the new social economy The early years of the 21st century are witnessing the emergence of a new kind of social economy, which could have major implications on the delivery of public services and the lives of UK citizens. |
|  | UK Government support for early-stage venture capital Together with the BVCA, we assessed the performance of companies backed by UK hybrid public-private venture capital funds over the past 10 years. We found that VC funds have had positive effects, providing more capital for investment, creating jobs, and increasing labour productivity. |
|  | Third age entrepreneurs More people are working beyond statutory retirement age. And more of them are running their own businesses. The latest report from our Public Services Innovation Lab explores how third age entrepreneurs are contributing to growth. |
|  | Narrow banking: the reform of banking regulation With the banking industry under unprecedented levels of scrutiny and change, John Kay looks at how to build a financial infrastructure that is fit for the future. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the report, please email research@nesta.org.uk. |
| | Events | This year NESTA is attending all three Party Conferences. We ran a session on rebuilding the UK economy at the Liberal Democrats conference on 22 September. Details of our future sessions at the Labour and Conservative conferences are below. | Growing pains: Can a Labour Government build a new economy? Brighton, 29 September With the UK economy destabilised, this session will examine to what extent the Government's Industrial Strategy 'New Industry, New Jobs' points us in the right direction. How can the UK most effectively emerge from the current economic downturn? Please join us as The Rt Hon Pat McFadden MP, Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; Will Hutton, The Work Foundation; and Mark Lovell, Action 4 Employment, examine the implications for future skills, new industries and the wider UK economy. Jonathan Kestenbaum, Chief Executive, NESTA, will chair the session. |
| Creative Licence: How the creative industries are reshaping the economy, Brighton, 29 September The creative industries have become a vital component of our economy, accounting for 6.4 per cent of the UK's output. It is also expected that the volume of digital content will increase between 10 to 100 times over the next three years. Please join us as The Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport; Richard Wilson, TIGA; Miranda Sawyer, Journalist and Broadcaster; and Peter Bazalgette, Sony Pictures Television, debate how best to support our creative industries. Jonathan Kestenbaum, Chief Executive, NESTA, will chair the session. |
| Re-Inventing the Civic University, Bristol, 1 October Making the most of the innovations and skills generated by our world-leading universities will be crucial to the UK's response to the recession. Professor John Goddard OBE will present his provocation report on this topic and then join a panel discussion with Professor Kathy Sykes, Professor of Sciences and Society and Professor Steve West, Vice-Chancellor the University of the West of England to debate the role of universities in regional economic growth. |
| The future of television - with Policy Exchange, Manchester, 5 October The UK's digital and communications industry is already worth over £52 billion a year. How do we make sure Britain becomes the leading major economy for innovation and investment in the industry? Join us as Ed Vaizey MP, Shadow Minister for Culture; Marc Watson, Chief Executive, Television and Online Services, BT; and Mark Oliver Policy Exchange, discuss the importance of a 'Digital Britain' in the future UK economy. |
| Leading from the front: Real reform in public services, Manchester, 6 October Join us as we launch the first in a series of publications by NESTA Fellow Phillip Blond, outlining how government at all levels can set a radical new agenda for the reform of public services. This will be followed by an informal conversation between Phillip Blond and John Seddon, CEO of Vanguard Consulting and author of 'Beyond Command and Control'. The event will also include an opportunity for informal networking. |
| Getting Creative: How would a Conservative Government support the UK's creative industries? Manchester, 6 October The creative industries are a vital component of our economy, accounting for 6.4 per cent of the UK's output. It is also expected that the volume of digital content will increase between 10 to 100 times over the next three years. Please join Jeremy Hunt MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport; Simon Waldman, Guardian Media Group; Martha Lane Fox, Champion for Digital Inclusion; and Sue Woodward, Manchester's Sharp Project as we debate how best to support our creative industries. Jonathan Kestenbaum, Chief Executive, NESTA, will chair the session. |
| Choice and Standards: Equipping today's children for the challenges of tomorrow, Manchester, 6 October How should we prepare today's children for the vast challenges they face in the future? How do we make sure they are equipped to meet the demands of the new economy and are inspired and motivated to learn? Please join Michael Gove MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and Brett Wigdortz, Teach First as we discuss how we can best build a first-rate education system for the future. Jonathan Kestenbaum, Chief Executive, NESTA, will chair the session. |
| What will Britain look like in a post-credit-crunch world? Manchester, 7 October How will the UK emerge from the global financial crisis? An economy based on rising house prices, easy credit and the financial services is fallible. Please join us as Francis Maude MP, Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office; Jonathan Kestenbaum, NESTA; Xavier Rolet, London Stock Exchange; and Jesse Norman, Conservative writer and Prospective Parliamentary Candidate discuss how we can create a more diverse economy and face up to the challenges that the next decade will bring. Andrew Lilico, Head of Economics, Policy Exchange, will chair the session. |
| | Opinion | Creating the outward-facing researcher We've recently commissioned an evaluation of our Crucible programme. This includes our key findings and achievements, backed up by case studies of some of the talented individuals we've supported. Crucible is an initiative that encourages collaboration between early-career researchers from different disciplines. | | Spotlight | NESTA Connect blog Corporate integration, not disintegration "Too often economic policies approach big business by either seeking to pander to them, ignore them or restrict their power. All of these approaches are ineffective and too atomistic," argues Roland Harwood. | Lab Log Crisis and opportunity Laura Bunt writes about why we need new forms of investment to support the emerging economy. | | | | You are being sent this regular bulletin from NESTA to the email address you registered with us. To unsubscribe from future issues, or to change your registered email address, please contact us.
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