Social Enterprise Coalition activity  SEC comments on latest social enterprise policy news During the past fortnight the Government has made two important announcements with consequences for social enterprise. First came the Health White Paper "Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS" which included a commitment to the creation of the largest social enterprise sector in the world as well as plans to hand commissioning power to GPs. You can read Peter Holbrook's response to this announcement here. And this week David Cameron made a speech in Liverpool in which he outlined more detail on his plans to create a Big Society. This will include the creation of a Big Society Bank to be capitalised using unclaimed money in abandoned bank accounts. Peter Holbrook's response to the announcement can be found here. Peter has also posted a new blog on the issue of Big Society in which he outlines what he believes we need to see in order for the vision to become a reality. To read the post visit Peter's blog. For more information on these, and other new policy plans set to affect the social enterprise movement, visit the What's New page of the Coalition website. Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Business Support Projects 12 July 2010 Birmingham On the 12th July, the Social Enterprise Coalition ran a free one-day workshop which brought together a wide range of social enterprise business support projects that are taking place across England. Over 30 project managers attended the event and it proved to be a valuable opportunity for them to meet and network; to share expertise and experience. With key speakers from the sector, it was also an opportunity to join in conversation on the current challenges facing the social enterprise business support landscape and how these can be planned for and overcome. An event summary and key learning from the day will be hosted on the SEC website later this month. For any queries, please contact Craig Carey, Projects Manager, at News  Social Enterprise Ambassadors continue to spread the message of social enterprise with new government departments Discussions with departments from the new government are coming thick and fast. The last two weeks have seen meetings with representatives from the Department of Education and the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. Several representatives from the Department for Communities and Local Government also met with Ambassadors at Dr Sam Everington’s Bromley by Bow Centre where they talked about the role of social enterprise in delivering public services for communities across the country. Dr Sam also met separately with the Department of Health to discuss primary care commissioning. At the end of June, five ambassadors attended the Social Enterprise All Party Parliamentary Group at the House of Commons. And, earlier this week, a large group of ambassadors met with the Big Society Network to discuss how they can support the Network in promoting active citizenship and shifting more power to communities. And Daniel Heery and the team at Cybermoor have been celebrating after being awarded the Access Innovation Award at the Ispa Internet Awards. The prize was in recognition of the success of Cybermoor’s social enterprise approach to bringing accessible broadband to rural Cumbria. For more on this and all the latest news from the programme visit the Social Enterprise Ambassador website. Charity Bank reveals record loans to social enterprises Charity Bank has this week unveiled record loan growth to support charities and social enterprises. Outlining its results for the first 6 months of 2010, Charity Bank revealed that loans agreed to charities and social enterprises totalled £20,932,750 – compared to £22,902,216 achieved during the whole of 2009. Chief Executive of Charity Bank, Malcolm Hayday said: “Over the past six months we have been able to increase our funding to charities and social enterprises. Some of the organisations we have supported have come to us because their funding has been withdrawn, while others have been attracted by the certainty and service we offer. Hayday added: “We remain open for business and are actively encouraging applications from the sector. As the public spending cuts come into effect we will continue to maximise our support to enterprises that are making a real difference to the communities and people they serve.” Charity Bank also announced that deposits have increased by £5.3 million in the first 6 months of 2010, and now stand at £49.6 million. For more on this read the story in Social Enterprise magazine Consultations  Informal call for evidence on the work programme The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have launched an informal call for evidence on the Work Programme. DWP state that the Work Programme will be an integrated package of support providing personalised help for people who find themselves out of work based on need rather than benefit claimed. Views are invited by DWP on capital raising and the payment model. DWP expect that providers will be able to demonstrate the capital strength and resources required to take on the risks involved in delivering heavily outcome-based programmes. This may mean seeking external financing to raise working capital. - Will delivering a programme with a heavily outcome based approach cause difficulties in raising working capital?
- Would this cause other challenges or finance risk for providers? DWP are considering a payment model that reflects the differing nature of the challenges providers face and balances risk and reward. This would mean payment exclusively or heavily based on delivering results – not just placing people in work, but keeping them there; and payment made after results have been delivered.
- What challenges does this cause and how can DWP support providers to overcome these?
The Social Enterprise Coalition has expressed a concern that, as the Work Programme will be delivered through a prime contractor model, only larger organisations will be able to win these contracts. In implementing a payments-by-results model, there is a danger that the Government could inadvertently prevent participation of social enterprises, especially those working with people furthest from the jobs market, because of resulting cash flow issues. DWP’s informal call for evidence can be found here. If you are responding to the questions, we would appreciate it if you would copy your responses to Social Enterprise Support Provision in your Area Rocket Science are undertaking to find out what support is currently available for social enterprise and are inviting social enterprises to complete the following 2 minute survey on the help that is available in their area - The results will be used to help Rocket Science understand the current state of support for social enterprises which they are looking at as part of their work to evaluate the Capacitybuilders’ Social Enterprise Programme. Events  NAVCA Advocating Intelligent Commissioning seminars What is 'intelligent commissioning' and how can you help bring it about in your community? These interactive one day seminars from NAVCA explore how support and development organisations, and those involved with influencing commissioning, can campaign and work for greater involvement in commissioning to improve local services. Issues covered by the seminar include: - What does good commissioning look like?
- Getting involved with commissioning as a support and development organisation
- Putting the theory into practice
- A chance to network and share local experience and knowledge
Seminars will be taking place on the following dates at these locations: 4 August - Gateshead, North East 9 September - Leicester, East Midlands 22 September - Cambridge, East of England 27 October - Manchester, North West 24 November - Leeds, Yorkshire and Humber Cost NAVCA member - £40 Third sector organisation - £55 Public body/other - £130 For more information about Advocating Intelligent Commissioning events visit the website or e-mail Resources Week in Small Business Programme Employees of the Enterprise Directorate in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, are being encouraged to spend a 'week in small business' once a year, to enable them to experience first hand both the challenges that small businesses face and the things that make them successful. Depending on agreement between the individual and the company, the placement could range from being of more "hands on", with officials effectively becoming like a member of staff for the duration of their visit, or involve officials shadowing staff, to see and hear about the issues first hand. As an initial step, businesses are being invited to register their interest in hosting a placement. As an initial step, businesses are being invited to register their interest in hosting a placement. To register your business contact ED Week in Business. Member profile  Multitaska Ltd Multitaska is a business that has been established to offer other organisations, big and small, outsourcing solutions that will enable them to thrive. Multitaska is a Social Firm and 50% of its workforce has learning disabilities. In return for being the heart and soul of Multitaska'a business, the people we employ with learning disabilities get to earn a fair living, become more integrated into society and enjoy fuller and happier lives. Jobs Advertise your social enterprise job here Strategic Development Manager (Social Enterprise Trainee Programme) Cyrenians Salary: £26,468 - £29,410 Location: Scotland A year ago Dave was homeless, unemployed and without hope of getting a job. Through supported work experience and training, in Cyrenians portfolio of social businesses, Dave now has a job he loves with a commercial employer, a home and a future to look forward to. Do you have the experience, skills and passion to spearhead the development and scaling up of this Programme into a market leader, using social enterprise traineeships to transform lives? For full details and an application pack please visit, call 24 hour recruitment line 0131 475 2490 or e-mail: Appointment initially for one year.CV's will not be accepted. Closing date: 27th July 2010 Advertise and search for jobs on the number one social enterprise job pages. Social Enterprise Coalition members get great deals on advertising rates and it's easy to get your job uploaded to allow you to focus on running your business. For more information email James at or visit our job pages. Back to the top |